Sunday, January 28, 2007

school posting... countdown

I think there is some morbid facination among the youth with regards to which school I will be posted. Well, I will know on Friday. 5 days left to go!

But well... it will only be for 10 weeks excluding the March break.

last post...

well... as last post for the journal entries at least... will no longer post my personal journal online. Just some simple updates from day to day from now on.

verses read: Romans 8

Things have certainly been looking up since the last time I wrote an entry. There was Fusion, which definitely turned out better than I expected. How ever some of the things which I expected happened indeed. Not a bad thing, good learning points for everyone, including myself. Am actually looking to see what will be done next year.

Had two rounds of teaching at Outram Secondary, given one of the lessons I was simply observing. But had a chance to really teach today. However, half the class was having CIP, reducing the class size to seven students. That was really microteaching. I realise that Normal (Technical) students are really the best to teach, you feel appreciated after the lesson. Strange that the N(T) class that the team is handling is giving much less problems that the so-called higher ability class. Something which a lot of teacher friends attest, and something that I’m experiencing for myself first-hand. Well, there’s three more such sessions to look forward to. This LTE is certainly helping in terms of preparing me for practicum.

Practicum posting will be next Friday. I’m eagerly waiting for that day. It will determine where I will be going for the next 3 months. Exciting. It may even determine where I’ll be for the next few years. Going by what was presented by the MOESPU, I can indeed get posted as far as town. Which will be quite a pain, but well, if that is where I’m needed, so be it.

I’ve kept this journal on my computer for more than a year now. This will be my last entry into it. Will be changing to a hard-copy handwritten one after this. Feel better that way. It has really been interesting to read the past entries of this journal, especially those that were immediately after I started it. I have certainly changed since then. Now there is something to look forward for and something to keep me moving.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007



verses read: 1 Samuel 29-30

When wounds heal they leave a scar and scars never reopen. So I guess that when old wounds reopen, they never really healed in the first place. Read something yesterday that reopened old wounds; didn’t happen to me but somehow I could feel the hurt and pain. But as it is written, that if we persevere to the very end, we will attain the crown of life. And so life goes on, it goes on differently for some but it goes on anyway.

Sometimes when we run out of prayers, we just need to offer up prayers made in faith. When we do that, we will find that God will put the words we need to say into our mouth even when we don’t understand them.

Today was the second day of school and it was a good day. Next week’s enrichment class at Outram Secondary seems a lot less daunting now.


verses read: 1 Samuel 21-28

It is a new year. The year has been rather dull so far with the exception of today. Went to school for the first time in a month and have already been thrown 3 assignments due over the course of the next 3 weeks. Interesting module though, games and simulations.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the English module, and work has already been thrown at me. The next 6 weeks is going to be intense. And the 10 weeks immediately after that is going to be worse. But I am looking forward to it. Will be going to a school next week for teaching practice already; Outram secondary school, will be teaching a Secondary Two normal technical class. Somehow I feel a little bad as we are using the students like experimental subjects or lab rats.

The 10 weeks after that will really determine a lot; especially where I will be going after June. Practicum. Past trend has been that practicum posting is the final school posting. I am really eager to find out where exactly I will end up. It will be near home, at least it will be in the east, but how “east” I will only know after CNY. There are three places where I really don’t mind going, but I will leave that up to the Lord.