Friday, June 24, 2005

2 4 6

(edited, for sake of the VCFers)

Just want to share a song by Corrine May. It's one of the rare times where I post a secular song on my blog. But it's a lovely song and it does have Christian undertones. It is the first secular album I've bought in years; but it came highly recommended by Daryl, so I bought it. This song is from the soundrack of "Chase", it's a really beautiful song.

Everything in its time
Sometimes I wonder what lies ahead
How long till my hunger is fed
They say it's hard to make it in this part of town
So many people on this merry-go-round

Some folks try astrology
Some turn to crystal balls
To find an answer
To get through it all
I just fall on my knees and I try to pray
In the silence I can hear Him say

The river runs and the river hides
Out of the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time

I often feel like I'm two steps behind
Somebody must have moved that finish line
There are a thousand reasons
Why I should give up
But I'm stubborn in the things of I believe

The river runs and the river hides
Out of the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign

'cause maybe there's another plan
One I still can't see
A little suprise, like your love in my life
Funny how time changes how we see

There are a thousand reasons
Why I should give up
But I'm stubborn in the things of I believe

The river runs and the river hides
Out of the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time
Everything in its time

(C) Corrine May and Corole Bayer Sager

The song really speaks to me. About the Lord's amazing timing and the fallability of ours. It's classic Corrine May style, the same chorus but 2 different meanings. But the part that really speaks to me is the bridge; of how the seemingly insignficant events in our lives can, through the work of God, conspires to bring two people together.

I remember when I was in Primary 3 and it was the first year I was in the Boy's Brigade, and we had to perform a song for our enrolement ceremony. It is a song that I've never forgotten, and I guess it was from that young age that I was taught to trust the Lord's timing. That song is called "In His Time." In His time, In His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Today God taught me something about His timing; His imaculate timing. I've always had the impression that to keep to God's timing means, "take it slowly and move slowly, no rush, take time, it's okay relax..." I'm sure many of you think that way as well. Well, today I learned that that is not always the case. Sometimes God shouts into our ear, "WAKE UP!!! MOVE!!! YOU ARE SO SLOW LEH!!!!" (Yes, I believe God will use singlish if necessary)

And I'm reminded about creation, God wasn't taking His time there. I mean He created the universe in 6 days right? That sure is fast! (Would like to add some superlatives... but not appropriate to this blog ah?!?!) Think about it, in 6 days, He creates all the protons, neutrons and electrons in this world, decides how biology works, adds the chemistry into the whole thing to make things work! The stars, the planets, people, animals, plants! So amazing isn't it! And it's just 6 days! 144 hours! Wow! That is fast isn't it!

And so, God's timing isn't always a slow paced thing. I'm sure that in the last few days He has been telling me to rush out of my comfort zone FAST! And I was sure pushed pretty hard! But well, thank Him for providing people to push me along as well. Indeed His timing is wonderful.

And so, why is this post entitled, "2 4 6". Well, I wanted to call it "In HIS time" but then I realised I already have a post of that name. So, "2 4 6", an arithmetic progression. Beautiful huh? Not just that, it's also a fibonacci sequence (yah.. just the first 3 terms)! Doubly beautiful huh? Must think deeper, that the first 3 positive even integers put in an order can have such amazing properties!

But the most beautiful thing about "2 4 6" is that it is actually read as 24/6 or 24 June. And what's the significance? Well, that's the date we got together!

Beautiful, just like God's timing. So here is a prayer that we made to thank the Lord for all He's done and the way He arranges things and makes things beautiful:

Dear Lord,
Teach us how to pray in uncertainties and adversities. teach us to pray even when it seems irrational and even when we're so down we cannot think of anything good to say or do. teach us to give thanks for the little and seemingly insignificant events in our lives.. because now we see your continual provision and love.... you let us go through events in our lives to build us up and bring our lives a little closer each day. for that i really want to thank you. :)
In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

PS: Just want to thank those of you who have been praying for the 2 of us in the past week. BIG THANK YOU!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

what a day...

(warning: nerd post)

Oh man... what a day, said all the wrong things, suggested all the wrong things, did all the wrong things, and just when I thought I got out of a big mess, I just got myself into a bigger mess! HAHA! So funny!

Maths is fun ain't it?

Submodular functions in graph theory! Oh man... what a mess! When I looked at the internet for some material other than the paper A/P Tay gave me, I found nothing except the paper I already had! The only modular functions I found are related to set theory and analysis! Maybe I shouldn't have told A/P Tay I was a pure math major. Because he really gave me pure maths stuff... algebra and all that... grrr... and algebra is my weakest area!

So U-liang, lie groups, at leasts it's been well researched. But my project, hardly any research at all! How?! Well, at least all that is expected of me is to write a report rather than come up with original stuff. Oh well... Maybe I should change to analysis under A/P Leung, A/P Chew, A/P Quek or A/P Goh. Would have some fun with analysis, but would be a huge headache as well.

Anyway, a submodular function is a set function that acts of the power sets of some sets and maps it to the real number line. On top of that, it must satisfy a certain inequality. From what was briefed to me, we actually came across modular functions in MA2101: Linear Algebra II, in particular the dimension theorem. Somehow, you are able to use them to prove some important mathching theorems in graph theory. That all I gather so far, got a few more parts to read.

So to relieve stress, I'm going to shamelessly rip this from Ryan's blog! This is the first quiz i've done, but yeah... let you peeps out there take a rare look into my life for once!

Have you ever:

1. snuck out of the house (after what happened today, i just felt like doing so!)
2. gotten lost in a city
3. seen a shooting star
4. had a serious surgery (oh hell yeah!)
5. gone out in public in my pajamas (I don't wear pajamas)
6. kissed a stranger (NO WAY!)
7. hugged a stranger
8. been in a fist fight (karate count? have scars to prove it!)
9. been arrested
10. laughed and had milk/coke green tea come out of my nose
11. pushed all the buttons on an elevator (the place only had 2 floors)
12. swore at my parents
13. been in love
14. been close to love
15. been to a casino (I lost $0.50 at Melbourne Crown)
16. been skydiving
17. broken a bone (greenstick fracture)
18. been high (yah... and said things I shouldn't have!)
19. skinny-dipped
20. skipped school
21. flashed someone
22. seen a therapist (physiotherapist???)
23. played spin the bottle (don't remind me!)
24. gotten stitches
25. drank a whole gallon of milk/water in one hour (well, been to NS!)
26. bitten someone
27. been to Disneyland
28. gotten the chicken pox
29. kissed a member of the same sex (my Dad)
30. crashed into a friend's car
31. been to Japan (on transit)
32. ridden in a taxi
33. shoplifted
34. been fired (Was fired from the SAF... ORD loh!)
35. had a crush on someone of the same sex
36. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
37. stolen something from my school
38. gone on a blind date
39. lied to a friend
40. had a crush on a teacher
41. celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
42. been to Europe
43. slept with a co-worker
44. been married
45. gotten divorced
46. had children
47. seen someone die
48. had a close friend die
49. been to Africa
50. driven over 400 miles in one day
51. been to Canada
52. been to Mexico
53. been on a plane
54. seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
55. thrown up in a bar
56. purposely set a part of myself on fire
57. eaten Sushi
58. been snowboarding and skiing
59. met someone in person from the internet
60. lost a child
61. gone to college
62. graduated college (I've technically graduated)
63. done hard drugs (I was administered morphine for my back op)
64. tried killing myself
65. fired a gun (one of the rare cases in Singapore who hasn't unless you count IMT)
66. purposely hurt myself
67. taken painkillers
68. miss someone right now

69. tried to wash away some feelings by banging myself on the wall

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Falling? Stop Spinning?

I feel like I'm falling

Standing tall in this wide space
Getting lost in Your embrace
I see a fire burning brighter
It's calling me to catch the flame

You're drawing me closer to Your side
It's the safest place I know where to hide
With one glance You captured my heart
You speak Your words to set me apart

I feel like I'm falling
Over and over in love with You
It's not just a feeling
But I know that He is real
I feel like I'm falling
Into the arms of a mighty God
It's not just a feeling
But I know that He is real

(C) Words and music by Raymond Badham

The last few days have been very exciting for me. I'm just overwhelmed by God's love; it's just indescribable. Indeed looking back on the past 6 months, I just see God's amazing plan being played out. Trials and temptations were so abound, but things are just the total opposite compared to the beginning of this year. SHIOK AH!

The first 3 months of the year just seemed so bleak, but there was a purpose in all of it! And I see it now! I've realised that the challenge that God laid down to me at the conference started way before the conference. When my parent's asked me to join them for a holiday; I immediately said no. I mean, this was like their silver anniversary and the holiday was like a second honeymoon, you think I wanted to be there? No right? But I actually prayed about it, and God told me to go, enjoy myself take a break from ministry and be minstered. Interesting huh? Well, I sure was well rested and you can read about my holiday somewhere in the archives, about a month back.

But you know, when I returned, I thought I would just be overwhelmed by all the ministry stuff that I had to do, Leadership Planning Camp, Leadership Retreat, worship leading here and there, One Purpose Camp and Go4th all squeezed within an 18 day period. I thought I would just burn out again. But as the days wore on, instead of being burned out by everything, I was more and more ministered by what happened. And I think I should give credit where credit is due.

The VCF LPC, was so full of long extended breaks that it was to me a nice time of rest and relaxation. And then when I made a trip down to join the CCR camp one day before I was slated to lead; I really have no idea why I chose to go at that exact time, but the session that was conducted then just spoke so hard to me and challenged me to released the last vestiges of the things which I was holding on so tightly, and after that, my eyes were really opened.

The Leadership Retreat was a little bit more tiring, but Joshua's message to us on Saturday night was so entertaining and so pertinent to our ministry that it really charged me up and was kind of a confirmation to the role I was doing for One Purpose Camp. It was really great!

And at One Purpose, this is where I really want to publicly praise a youth whose actions really almost moved me to tears; and that person is Jacko. She did something at the "special dinner" which did not escape Eugene's, Mitchell's or my attentions; the care and concern for others in the group that night really ministered to me. The visit to the old folks home also moved me greatly, to see all of the youth just so eagerly step foward to talk and interact with the elderly was a wonderful sight!

But you know, it didn't end there. The last few posts I talked a lot on what I experienced at Go4th. Indeed, the past week has been the best week of my life this year. Everything in my life has just fallen into place in the past week.

In the post below, I said that I asked Amy and Ber to release me from my ministry. And instinctively they asked me what I meant. And I told them that I had no idea, but it was a word from the Lord, and that they had to let me go. I told them that I had no idea what it meant myself; I am not leaving PMC, neither am I leaving the YM, but I just had to tell them to "let me go". You know, I really thank God for Amy and Ber, honestly, I don't know how they put up with all the rubbish I put them through. But without them, I think my life would be entirely different. So AmBer, if you all are reading this, thank you! (And please return those books I lent you, I really need them back, if you know what I mean!)

I was still trying to figure out what "let me go" meant. And Joshua came along and talked to me. Said he too had a word from God for me. Told me that I needed to learn meekness. He actually told it to me in a very graven tone, thinking I would take the critisism pretty badly. But no, that was exactly what I needed to hear! It was confirmation of what I needed to do. I have been talking about meekness during the One Voice devotions, and I know I need to put into practice what I have been speaking about.

And so, at the end of Sunday, I had a feeling that God was going to remove me from my ministries. Said that it is about time I took the step back; and get a life! My Saturdays have been so burnt that I have hardly a time for a social life. And everyone tells me, "How to find girlfriend like that?!" Well, God will provide!

And so it all fell into place on Monday night and Tuesday morning. God has been preparing my heart. Preparing it to take on a ministry that demands commitment on an entirely different level, demands sacrifice that I've never given before. My heart wasn't prepared for it before. But now I see God's amazing plan in it all. Of all that I had to go through, He was preparing me for this. Well, I am just so happy!

Slept at 4am thinking about it. And woke up and 6.30am sharp this morning. Fully alert and not tired at all. Just could not sleep. Was just so overwhelmed. And later this morning, as I was thinking about it, I just became so overwhelmed by it all. That God loves me so much and that my own love for Him is so disgraceful compared to what He has done for me. He wants what I felt this morning to be the normal rather than the exceptional. Incredible!

I'm really sorry for the "I-centeredness" of this post, but it's a joy that I experienced that I really cannot contain it. And I wish I all of you could have it! In fact you can, just really trust the Lord in all that you do, it's so difficult, but just have the peserverance and you will see this joy in your life as well.

Inside of me again...

This was posted way back in April but deleted it as I felt some of the things I wrote were really inappropriate. I guess it's about time I reposted it. But minus the things that are no longer that applicable. It's strange that I wrote this 2 months ago, and as I read it again now, it can still be read, but in a different light, especially after Go4th.

And what's different? Well, I've not been dreaming bad dreams; Shaun's vision is 2 months old and it's true meaning has already been revealed. I lost my voice 2 months ago, and so my voice is working well and I am not sick at the moment.

But the thing that has not changed is this "joy" that I've found. And that is the joy of salvation through Jesus Christ who shed His blood on the cross.

Well, there are no hidden meanings behind the words of this post. They are face value. So try not to read to hard. All I want to say is the Gospel has the power to set you free from the bondages of the devil; and that I have surrendered a very large aspect of my life to Him. And He is just so faithful and forgiving. So, here it goes:

Inside of me
What a joy I've found
Since You've filled me with Your Spirit
You took me and You gave me liberty
What a peace I've known
Since You made my heart Your home
You changed my life
And now I've been set free

I've got destiny and purpose
I've got everything I need
'Cause His love is everlasting
And His Spirit sets me free
I've got joy that lasts forever
And a peace you can't conceive
'Cause Jesus
He lives inside of me!!!!

(C) Words and music by Henry Seeley

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" - 2 Corinthians 3:17

It's been an exciting Monday. I guess more than anything, I have really come to see the goodness of God, and the power of what the Holy Spirit can do. I've found that joy in my heart again. The joy of my salvation.

I guess I woke up this morning, wanting to post "Diary" by Bread, or "I will sing" by Don Moen. Some pretty depressing songs, but I can do otherwise tonight. (NOTE: this was 2 months ago)

The Holy Spirit give liberty. Freedom. Freedom from what?

Freedom from pain and anger? No.
Freedom from trails and temptations? No.
Freedom from sexual sins? No.
Freedom from hurt and pain? No.
Freedom from heartbreaks? No!
Freedom from the government? No.

Then freedom from what?
Freedom from sin, and eternal condemnation. Through the blood of Jesus.

Without the Cross of the Cruxifiction, the death of Jesus, His ressurection and His ascension, the Holy Spirit would not have come. Causality, cause and effect.

In the past few months, its been a hellish journey for me. And I have tried my best to keep the focus back on the cross, to see Jesus and remember the covering of His blood for me. That which saves me from condemnation. By the grace of God I've pulled through. Joy is coming back into my heart. Happiness and liberty. The past few weeks immedaitely after the musical, when I was tired and worn out, the devil took his chance and attacked. My dreams have been very dark recently, dreaming of a lot of bad stuff. And Shaun's vision of me really didn't help. But it was God warning me that I was under a spiritual attack, and I had to put up the defences fast.
I've been sick for the past 2 weeks, I lost my voice, but things are finally getting brighter. I'm still sick, I won't recover overnight, but I am feeling better already. (NOTE: this was immediately after Falling Spinning)

Wrote this in my private journal on 22 March, before the preview of the Falling Spinning musical to the VCFers. "I guess final surrender is hard, but I'm getting there slowly. More than just letting go and moving on, I guess. There is something more to life than just going after the one you love. It is about running back to the First Love."

Closure has finally come. I guess as the Holy Spirit guided, I've finally found my way back to Him. I've grown; God dealt with me. And I have found Him again, where He always has been, in my heart. And I can only be grateful to God, for what has happened. I will not have it, any other way.

That is the end of the original post. Well, closure has come. But a much different kind of closure this time. But at the same time, new doors were opened. No, they were always open, it's just that I had in my selfishness shut them. But God forgives, and makes the blind to see again.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

the answer to that Joshua question...

I actually wanted to save thing for another occasion, but it's just too tempting to reveal the answer. Why? Because it is just so intrigueing. Anyway, I gurantee, I WILL NOT ask you any questions of this nature during the Bible Quiz. It's just reading too deep into the Bible, but there is a lesson to draw from it and that lessons is patience.

I asked, "When Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan, how long did it take for the waters to recede?". Technically, the waters did recede immediately. But it not seem that way to the Israelites, in fact something quite the opposite happened. So a better question is perhaps, "How did it seem to take for the Israelites for the waters to recede?"To fully appreciate the answer, let's look at the context, in Exodus as well as the situation the Israelites faced.

Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided. - Exodus 14:21

As you can see, even in Exodus, the waters did not recede immediately (a la Prince of Egypt or Ten Commandments). It took all night, but nonetheless, it sounds like a spectacular sight and it took place in front of the Israelites. While the water did not receded immediately, the Israelites could certainly see the action at work immediately! And that imagery has been stuck in our heads, and hence when we think of Joshua, we think that the same thing happened! I did too, till it was pointed out to me at Go4th that is was far different from that!

Let's go to the main text; Joshua chapter 3. I will only quote selected verses, but I would prefer if you read the whole chapter

So when the people set out from their tents to cross the Jordan with the priests carrying the ark of the covenant before the people, and when those who carried the ark came into the Jordan, and the feet of the priests carrying the ark were dipped in the edge of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its banks all the days of harvest), the waters which were flowing down from above stood and rose up in one heap, a great distance away at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan; and those which were flowing down toward the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were completely cut off. So the people crossed opposite Jericho. - Joshua 3:14-16

I believe that this is the passage which most of you read when I posed the question this afternoon. Well the answer IS in the above passage, but it implicit rather than explicit. Read it carefully.

The Jordan is usually quite easy to cross, it is only a few feet deep at most points. But this was the flooding season (verse 15) and it was dangerous to cross.

Next, where exactly did the waters stop flowing? Immediately in front of the Iraelites? Nope! The waters were cut off "a great distance away at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan".

Where were the Israelites at? It is logical to expect the Israelites to cross the Jordan at Jericho. And the city Adam, while it's location is not exactly known, the location of Zarethan is. The speaker at Go4th estimated it to be about 12 miles away. So, this "great distance" translates into about 12 miles. (Some sources on the internet say between 16 to 20 miles in fact!)

So, by reading the text directly, we know that the situation was very different from Moses' time. It wasn't spectacular; the water stopped way out of sight of the Israelites. So when the priests stepped into the Jordan, it seemed to the Israelites that nothing happened. But something did, just that they could not see it.

So how long did the priests have to stand in the water while carrying the ark? That would answer the quesion wouldn't it? For that we need a little general knowledge.

How long they stood in the water would depend on how fast the water would flow in a river of it's size during flooding season. I couldn't find an article on flooding patterns in the Jordan, but according to the speaker at Go4th, (who was a naval officer before) a good and fast current speed would have been about 4 knots. Which is slightly over 4 miles. Now do your maths.

12 miles is the distance, 4 miles per hour is the speed. That translates into roughly 3 hours. That's how long the priests had to stand in the Jordan before they finally saw the waters recede; and only after that would they cross the Jordan. Amazing isn't it?

PS: Actually, I have some links to some article to verify some of the above points, but due to my lack of HTML knowledge, I've given up trying to post them. If you want them, just go to and search of "jordan flooding" or something like that.

strangely warmed...

It's one day after the Go4th conference, and I really have to say, my heart was strangely warmed. God laid down many challenges for me during the conference. It was a very similar situation during the last missions conference I attended, the Joshua 21 Fever 03 conference in Decemeber 2003.

I remember at the end of that conference, I was so fired up I immediately signed up for the CoSI trip in June 2004. Well, as the situation would have it, I wasn't able to make the trip in the end. The GAP Camp clashed with the trip, and I felt that I needed to be around. But I was in charge of the logistics, local side. What a nightmare that turned out to be, through no fault of PMC. The worse was definately the salvage mission early one morning to Kranji. Hear that some of the stuff we packed into that container are either damaged beyond repair or are still unopened. But anyway, the short story is that I missed the trip. And I sure wasn't called to make the trip this year. But I guess, all along I have asking God where I should go and when. Maybe MEET may beckon.

"Life transformation through prayer and discipleship". Well, I have been praying and God has been answering, even when I was in Australia a few ago. The biggest thing I need to do to get out of my comfort zone. So I said, "OK, what next." The reply was very shocking; AnnTiC.

If you had asked me on Friday night, or even Saturday morning whether I would go to AnnTiC I would have given you a flat, "NO!" But on Saturday morning, during the plenary, God once again told me to get out of my comfort zone. I felt really puzzled. So I SMSed Kelvin (Tan) and Amy similar questions, "What were the dates of LPC/AnnTiC in december." Well, they are direct clashes. And that was what God was challenging me.

It's very easy for me to stand in front of the Youth, and conduct a workshop on worship leading (which would have been my role at LTC for sure), very easy for me to stand in front at the camp and give instructions. But it is very much out of my comfort zone to leave Singapore and the comforts of home, go to Malaysia and attend a camp overseas where I am not in the "frontline" of things but rather a normal participant. And that was what God was challenging me. Really strange.

So I talked to AmBer this afternoon, and told them that they needed to release me on a few things, one of which was the LTC, another is of course from my ministry in the YM (will explain later perhaps). Joshua later said to me something which took as confirmation of what I needed to do this December. So, AnnTiC com, looks like you have your first participant! (I think)

Another thing which God spoke to me was regards to where I can look to find my first mission trip. 2 possible fields were revealed (actually one of them was revealed last year at the ONE conference at BRMC), one was local the other overseas. I can only trust God and see what He has in store for me.

The future is interesting; I'm actually looking foward to it! Even my ministry within PMC was challenged. Well, I do not know what is in store, but I doubt it is with any worship team. I've gotten to comfortable there, need to get away from it. But well, only when the time comes, and till then, I'm not going to move. I will not go where the Spirit of the Lord has not yet moved.

Friday, June 17, 2005

6 degrees and falling

Did you know the phrase "small world" is a mathematical term? Or more accurately a mathematical phenomenon?

The "6-degrees of separation" phenomenon is formally stated as follows: Given a connected graph of high graph diameter and by randomly inserting edges, the graph diameter tends to fall rapidly.

When modelled mathematically, it seems quite intuitive (well, that is if you understood all that above). Anyway, I've really begun to see this phenomenon in action that last few days.

For all those who don't understand the above phenomenon, in layman terms it means each person on the face of this earth is roughly separated from any other person by at most 6 other people. In Singapore, this separation (or diameter) is just 3 degrees; small world huh?

Just got back from the 3rd day of the Go4th conference. And the thing that really hit me hard today was Bishop Solomon's sermon again. About suffering and living a simple life; and there was this imagery that he used that just collectively blew the minds of the VCFers who sat next to each other. Amazing. But it's not something that I can easily share on this blog... just won't do it justice.

But as I go through this conference, all the speakers have a single and very simple message. That above all, the Gospel is of the utmost importance, above our doctrines, our opinions, even our way of life. And that this Gospel is for EVERYONE. Simple as that. Behind all that simplicity, we human being just make it an absolute mess.

We are blessed to be a blessing. Do you feel blessed? Need not be with money, or good grades, or a really nice boyfriend or girlfriend. But we are blessed with the gift of eternal life, and that is the greatest blessing we can ever have.

This world is so small. A few months back found out that Sophia's mom and my mom were ex-collegues. And then, found out yesterday and today the impact she had on Joshua's life. Everything is just so connected. And at the centre of it all, is God. Is Jesus. Really, His love binds us altogether. Blessed to be a blessing, in a very profound way, I felt that way today.

There is so much that I wish I could say, but a blog just won't do justice to it. And so, I will continue all this during worship team devotions, or during the time I get to spend with any of you.

But there is one thing which I really hope for our Youth Ministry, that we learn to discern His will for us properly. But one thing I know for sure... 100%... that the Gospel, the return to the source of joy needs to be emphasized again. So pray and ask God for wisdom in discerning His will for our ministry.

"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding" - Proverbs 3:13 actually there is a hidden meaning to why I quoted that verse; sigma omicron phi iota alpha

Thursday, June 16, 2005

shocked and awed...

2nd day of the Go4th conference.. oh man... it just keeps getting better! I've not felt this charged up or refreshed since the Joshua 21 conference in 2003. It was simply amazing today, and the best thing is: there are still 2 more days to go. I guess the only thing that is not fantastic is the parking fee, but well, after Australia, I think the parking fee is "reasonable".

Some of the highlights of that day was certainly the 2nd workshop I attended on East Timor. Sue-anne had asked me, "why East Timor?". My reply, "I don't know, looked interesting?" Honestly, I really have no idea why I put East Timor down as one of my electives, but now I have a feeling that God really made me tick that choice.

The workshop was small, just like the nation; but when I walked in I was a bit shocked. As they had really power speakers for such a small workshop. Oh man... halfway through the session I really have to say that my heart was strangely warmed; and all Rev Lorna Khoo was doing was presenting FACTS and history, not even the prayer requests and all that. Maybe it's no coincidence that I want to take Bahasa Indonesia sometime in the coming AY.

But certainly the one thing I will never forget is the night rally, when Rev James Taylor IV spoke. He is the great-great grandson of Hudson Taylor and was raised in Taiwan. And oh man... I just felt so ashamed of myself as he spoke. Why? Because he preached in PERFECT MANDARIN!!!! (and hokkien) In fact the sermon had to interpreted into english!

Shocked and awed... that how I felt as he spoke. And being in NUS Science Faculty, which is almost a mini-China, I felt so challenged and grateful. Grateful that I ended up in neighbourhood schools all my life and had to converse with fellow classmates in mandarin and certainly grateful that I did not end up in a school that has the word "chinese" in it's name but no one really speaks chinese there.

And challenged, because it makes me want to learn how to lead worship properly in mandarin. (The last time I led "King of Majesty" in mandarin definately doesn't count.) It's no suprise I guess that I have been watching webcasts of CHC's mandarin services for some time now. I honestly find the mandarin translation of all those Planetshakers and Hillsong songs so much more meaningful than the original english wording. Less ambiguitiy in the words and so much more personal. Amazing.

Well, we'll see what happens soon. Honestly cannot wait for tomorrow's conference to begin.

E-games! Soccer and Captain's Ball

Date: Saturday, 25th June 2005
Time: 2:30pm to 6:00pm
Venue: Meeting in church first then Pasir Ris park
Cost: $2 per person

We will be having our 2nd E-games for the year soon. It will be soccer for guys and captain's ball for girls. We will be meeting in church and then will be heading towards Pasir Ris park and we will all be dismissed from there (there will be a 17-up program in the night for those who are interested) Bring your water bottles but more importantly, bring your FRIENDS =)

Please sign up this Sunday at the registration table in Aldersgate before YM.

See you all there.

even if just one

Just got back from the first night at Go 4th Conference. Bishop's message was very good I must say. Easy enough for young people to understand. Deep enough for the very old ones to appreciate and funny enough so that the youth don't fall asleep. But that aside, it was really an anointed message from God.

Know a person who can really calculate the cost of things right down to the tiniest of details. Not monetary cost, but cost in the whole sense of the word! And it drives me nuts sometimes. Well, it's good in the sense that you count your cost really well, but really horrid in the sense that it has getten to the point where it has developed into, "if the effort doesn't justify the expected result, then should give up the idea".

Sound familiar? "Aiyah... if these people are not going to be touched by what you do, then why do it?" or "It's just too much effort for a small result, let's just not do it."

Recently wanted to show a video at an evangelistic event, but was told by the person above that it wasn't worth the trouble so don't show. That was even after the video was already in my laptop, and all I really needed to do was to project it onto the screen. Was really hurt by what was said; and sadly, it was not the first time this person said those kind of things or displayed that kind of attitude.

Bishop's sermon was on the Women at the Well. But instead of focusing on the things which happened, he spoke on the aftermath, that is when the women left, the disciples return and the whole Samaritan town was brought out of their homes and went to see Jesus.

I realised that Jesus went way out just for that one women. The disciples had gone into town, and the women had come from the town. Logically, they would have met! But the disciples had not done anything, they were on a mission... to buy food! But Jesus asked for a drink (which He may not have received in the end!) and instead offered the women a chance at eternal life! Which the women took!

We often forget about the last part of this story, that is, this women went back to town. Remember, this was in the middle of the desert and at around noontime and she was more or less a condemned women shunned by the rest of her community. BUT, she went back, and brough the whole town out! Can you imagine the kind of change that must have been brought out by just a meeting with the Messiah? Read on... the town invites Jesus to stay with them for 2 days, and as a result many believe!

What if Jesus decided to be like the disciples and not take an effort in reaching out to this women? I don't know...

When I first did the "Global Village" video, I had no idea why I did it. I just happened to see something like this done at a conference I attended. And I completely plagiarised the idea. The video took a huge effort, took me about 3 days to complete and what few people don't know is that I actually had to do it twice. The first cut was shown at GAP Camp, and the final cut was shown at Jubilee; the Jubilee version had about 2 more minutes of footage. (I had erased the source file, so I had to start from scratch for the Jubilee version.)

Why did I do the Global Village video? I really have no clue; I just felt like doing it. I certainly could have just not bothered and not continue with it; but I just went on. And I certainly did not know what kind of impact it would have on people. Since then, the video has been shown countless times at YM and at church level, WIN. But more than that, it has gone beyond the walls of PMC, I believe it was shown to some students at Coral Sec and as well to the Crusaders at NTU. It was also shown to a small audience within VCF. And it was almost shown at ONE camp. Till today, I am still amazed the impact its making all the over the place. I certainly did not think it would have gone that far; my only intention was to challenge the campers at GAP.

But now I realise, that sometimes, we really need to go way out to win the world for Christ. Just the same way He reached out people while He walked the earth. He could reach out to plenty by performing miracles to feed 5000. Or He could just change the heart of a condemn and sinful women by a simple request for a drink of water.

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. - Luke 15:10

A life won for eternity cannot be quantified by any means. It is priceless!

So, no matter how big the cost and how small the result, if it is for the sake of advancing the Gospel to the world, it is worth the cost!

The CD-table certainly did not take off well during the camp. And there are plenty of extra stickers. But I am not going to surrender and say that this "experiment" has failed. The extra leftover stickers will be made available for sale this Sunday; so will the CDs be available for sale at the prices they were going for at camp.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

progress report...

For the benefit of those stuck overseas (and are spared the dust and noise), here is another pic of the building. Taken one day before camp. As you can see the construction has reached the 3rd floor. Phase 2 begins. This is a long phase, the contractors have to break through the ceiling of the existing 3rd floor and reinforce it, then build another floor on top of that. This phase should last till October.

Even when I'm old and gray...

"For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my confidence from my youth" - Psalms 71:5

"O God, You have taught me from my youth, and I still declare Your wondrous deeps. And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me, until I delare Your strenght to this generation, Your power to all who are to come." - Psalms 71:17-18

It's not suprising that those 2 passages above are some of the most popular theme verses for Youth Ministries around the world. Chosen such just because the word "Youth" appears in them. Nothing wrong honestly, in fact probably quite natural and appropriate. But more than that, I really hope that youth who read those verses will realise that it's not just about being youth. But if you read the whole of Psalms 71, you will realise that it about persevering on in the faith till the old age and gray hairs come.

Well, this post is actually going to be my reflection on the camp. Read a few blogs so far, and many of the recurring remarks is that this camp is very different from previous camps. Well, the camp commitee had no choice; being an official school camp, we were specifically ordered to downplay the spiritual elements of the camp. Hence pretty interesting stuff like the electives and the activities on Saturday, plus no Holy Communion or service on Sunday.

But having only joined the camp commitee less than a month before the camp, I really had no clue what kind of role I was going to play. Well, it finally came less than 10 days before the start of camp, and I was definately inadequately prepared to execute my role properly. (The stickers was a really last minute addition to the camp. And trust me, chopping 480 stickers by hand is not something I would like to repeat anytime soon.) But well, evangelism is not something that happens overnight. My call to all the group leaders out there is to continue keeping in touch with the girls whom you have made friends with and those that are not in any church yet, invite them over to ours.

One thing that really encouraged me whilst I was manning the CD table was a few GB girls came up to me (they were the non-Christian ones) and asked, "Which CD is the song 'One Way' from?" The ploughing of their hearts has already begun. The sowing must take place when the time is right. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Will you go?

The highlight of the camp for me was certainly the visit to the Ling Kuang Home; really brought tears to my eyes. Especially when I was pushing this old lady and while we were in the park this lady was there and she greeted all the old folks with a really hearty, "Jesus loves you! Hallelujah!" (albeit in mandarin). But it was wonderful to see the old folks respond in the same manner! I guess the question to ask ourselves is, will we still be like them when we are their age.

A very disturbing statistic is that given any youth group at the present moment; in 20 years time, only 20% will be left serving the Lord in the same manner they are doing so now. Most would have given up their dedication tothe Lord and while they are still attending church, they would have moved onto more worldly focus, their children, their jobs would start to take priority over the Lord. And a smaller but significant group would have completely left the faith. Sad but true.

Looking back at the camp, I really wonder who will still be in the Church in 20 years time. But statistics are mere numbers, no reason why we cannot buck the trend. So look at Psalms 71 and make it your prayer to remain in the service of the Lord until you go back home.

What have I gotten myself into this time?

Two-thrids of the BCE band will be reuniting for a gig at TTC at the end of this month. Sounded simple enough: just play some dinner music for the delegates of a conference. And so we've had 2 rehearsals so far. I tell you those guys really crack me up man...

We were supposed to be playing "Shout to the Lord" and so, we were halfway through the intro when I made the comment that it sounded like "Somewhere out there"... and that's what we ended up playing! (Seriously... the line "My Jesus, My Saviour" and "Somewhere out there" are nearly the same!) And while trying a grander ending for "I could sing of Your love forever" we ended up playing "Stand up for Singapore"! Craziness!

But that's not all! If the rest of the VCFers were there, I'm pretty sure they will never sing "Declare His Glory" with a straight face anymore! Cos we decimated it by turning it into some Funk-Jazz-Fusion-Rock number... highly inappropriate i think! But very fun.

Well, the bombshell that evening was when we were briefed on the specifics of what that event entailed. I thought it was some small conference, but it turns out that this is some huge international Bible scholars conference with delegates from different religions and they would be debating over 300 accedimic papers (WHAT?!?!) and that the President of Singapore was supposed to be the original Guest-of-Honour. Oh man...

To top it all off, Ian later asked me if I was inerested in playing for a wedding band that Chris was asked to set up in October. Well, naturally I asked, "Whose wedding?". Ian's reply, "Someone from Charmaine Goh's church." That just floored me. I wasn't sure if I should have just burst out laughing or fall on my knees and ask God, "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME?!?!?!" ARGH... oh well... will tell Ian my answer another day.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What a Friend I've found

What a Friend I've found
Closer than a brother
I have felt Your touch
More intimate than lovers

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Friend forever

What a Hope I've found
More faithful than a mother
It would break my heart
To ever lose each other

(C) Martin Smith

In the past week, I've had to lead worship 3 times, in 3 days at 3 different camps. That was a really crazy week. And this week, it has been non-stop action in preparation for camp! And next week, Go 4th Missions Conference. Then after that... 7 more weeks of holidays! :)

But anyway, I was leading worship at CCR the other day. Naturally when I was first asked, Amy wasn't too happy about it, as I would have to take time off from the leader's retreat, but well, Joshua gave me his blessings. But well, I did pray and ask God about it. And I knew that I should go, so I did.

And it was good that I went; it's uncanny that our camps are always so similar. 1 and a half years ago, they had a camp with the acronym MAD (Making Ample Disciples), and it was the same time we had MAD for God? Camp. Now they had a BB outreach camp, and we are having a combined GB camp. So interesting. Perhaps, what I saw was a glipse of how our camp would be like. What the atmosphere would be like and how the response will be like. But I know one thing will be different, and that is the GB girls are going to impact our YM in a way many of us would never expect.

But more than just being an observer, I've finally put the past behind. Now it's time to get on with the life that I left stagnant in one place. Time to open my eyes and see what God has provided and be grateful. Perhaps God has sent someone.

Perhaps we'll never know the day after tomorrow
Perhaps we'll always look back in sorrow
Perhaps we could in painful regret wallow
But we can never from yesterday borrow

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Have I been faithful?

Find us faithful
We're pilgrims on a journey of the narrow road
And those who've gone before us line the way
Cheering on the faithful, encouraging the weary
Their lives a stirring testament to God's sustaining grace

Surrounding by so great a cloud of witnesses
Let us run the race not only for the prize
But as those who've gone before us
Let us leave the to those behind
The heritage of faithfulness passed on through Godly lives

After all our hopes and dreams have come and gone
And our children sift through all we've left behind
May the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover
Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave
Lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey
Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

(C) Steve Green

I am at the VCF LPC, now listening to Gabriel's session on the History of the VCF. (HAH! Now you all know why I brought my laptop!) But seriously, last night during James session and right now, I have been asking myself the above question, "Have I been faithful?”

Faithful to the calling of a leader within the VCF as well as PMC. Reading Stephen's article in the special issue of epistole was very eye-opening. He gave his version of the history of the musical and the music ministry. The music was once big, strong and mighty; but with the dissolution of the musical in the past few years, it has spiralled downwards. And now, it has fallen unto me; the first male chairperson is many years, and I've failed.

That song above was sung by the min seniors at the Jubilee dinner in 2002; and I know that I've let down a lot of seniors. BUT, that does not mean that I am going to quit and give up. I will carry on. And by God’s grace, a new music ministry will rise from the old one.

Have I been faithful? Faithful to the calling to make disciples of all nations? I don’t think I have. My role in the upcoming camp is an interesting one. I’m been removed from my usual comfortable position of music and worship to do something else. It was a challenged laid down by God, just like how Ber was challenged for his Tokyo mission trip. This is going to be an interesting camp for me.

Building deep and authentic relationships with God and man – that is the direction for the year; and when I couple it with “Life transformation through prayer and discipleship” I see some similarity. When James told me about the story of his running buddy, I immediately thought of a friend.

A friend whom I’ve known since my magic days, and earlier this year, we met up again. And what he asked me that night shocked me. Once upon a time, I would spend my Saturdays with this friend and others, but when the worship team started I stopped meeting, and I told them that I was in church. Eventually they stopped talking to me. It’s been many years since them, and the question he asked me earlier this year still haunts me. Should I have shared the Gospel with him there and then? Maybe I should, but I didn’t.

Been running away from a certain reality, and I know that my actions on MSN have hurt a certain person very deeply. I guess it’s time to make things real again and accept the fact that things are over. Building deep and authentic relationship with God and man; it’s time to make things real again.

Have I been faithful? Yes, but not enough.

I know there are many within YM who might be going through what I am going through now. They think that they have failed, and want to give up. But let me say this, DON’T! Be faithful to your calling, and God’s purpose will be shown. For one day, those who come after you will fit into your shoes. Scary thought huh?

As much as you don’t want such a responsibility, I’m afraid, you cannot escape it. That’s what I’ve learnt.

PS: I began typing this even before Gabriel flashed the song...collective memory and the power of internet huh?