Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Verses Read: Matthew 28:1-15, Psalm 66

Been a while since I posted my readings. Been extremely pressed for time, and for what reason, I do not know. This season of Lent seems a lot more sober, still wondering why. Powerpoint this weekend, it will be back to where we started; back to the basics. That's what I need to show.

Have been studying lately. Relearning all that I forgot from my University days. I just cannot imagine that those topics were once bread and butter for me and that I could roll definitions of my tongue without difficulty. Now, just reading those books are a headache! Well, have to be serious if I want to further my studies soon.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Testing - Slides

Testing to see how I can publish PowerPoint presentations onto blogger. More for my English and Mathematics blog. That one would really be interesting. 

Sunday, March 08, 2009

10227 days

Ten thousand, two hundred and twenty seven days. 28 years, one full calendar cycle. The weight of age never gets heavier than today, it's the same every year since I started keeping count 4 years ago. 

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of widsom" - Psalm 90:12

Trust a mathematician to take that verse literally. 

Wisdom. Been a while since I thought about it carefully. It is a word that has a lot of double meaning for me. Time cannot be reversed, will just have to move on till the time is right.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 22:14-33, Psalm 48

The gift of wisdom, these passages are a demonstration of Jesus' gift of wisdom. Twice He was asked trick questions and twice His replies left the crowds amazed. The proverbs tell us to desire wisdom, precisely what seems to be lacking nowadays. 


Verses Read: Matthew 22:1-14, Psalm 47

This is one passage where I have little clue on how to intepret it. If you were to think deeper, it is really scary. That many are invited but few are chosen. One thing I've yet to look at is the context and it's parallel. End of the day, one of those passages that really made me sit up and think. 

It's already March, going to be 28 soon. Not something I like to think about, but it's the truth. I wonder how long I can keep up or stay where I am. It's easy to burn out. Going to be a long week, have to juggle between so many administrative duties and yet I have to leave school early everyday for external duties. Going crazy trying to juggle everything.