Saturday, September 26, 2009

Off-loading this blog

Yeah... kept this blog for a good 5 years now. Started off as a One Voice blog and then slowly evolved into a personal blog. Guess it's time for another major upgrade... sort of?!

Will be using this blog for major, important long posts. If you wish to track me on a daily basis then follow my Twitter and Tumblr:

Effectively decided to make my Tumblr look exactly like this Blog.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Romanesco Broccoli

Believe it or not, the thing below is edible! Happened to stumble upon it as I was reading up on recreational mathematics. It's an example of a naturally occurring fractal.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Time just disappears

I think this will be my first proper post in a long time.

I've really got nothing much to say nowadays. Maybe it's because I don't have the time to sit down and muse about life and write it all down. A lot of my thoughts just pass through my head and sadly I don't get a chance to write it all down.

Gone are my undergrad days when I wrote LONG posts. I guess that is the reason I miss those days. Well, I hope post-grad days would be similar, if not, more focused. Am aiming for a 2011 admission though 2012 is fine as well. However, who knows if I may delay that again.

I guess this is the first time I am writing about this in public. Twice before have I wanted to go into full time ministry in some way. First, at the end of my NS days before going to NUS. Back then the Lord said wait. The second towards the end of my NUS days, before I applied to NIE. Once again the Lord said wait.

So I waited. I have enjoyed the last 3 years very much and I know I have at least one more of this to go. After that, well, I still am waiting. That is one of my options.

Then again, who knows what may happen and I may just stay on in AHS indefinitely. That is certainly a big option.

God has been faitful and true to the promises right from the start. I guess this morning sermon was a reminder to listen to the Master Of Everything again. Need to remember that's what MOE really stands for.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Not really updated much recently. I guess it's due to Twitter. Anyway, decided to activate the mail2blogger feature. Hopefully that will see more frequent updates.