Saturday, September 26, 2009

Off-loading this blog

Yeah... kept this blog for a good 5 years now. Started off as a One Voice blog and then slowly evolved into a personal blog. Guess it's time for another major upgrade... sort of?!

Will be using this blog for major, important long posts. If you wish to track me on a daily basis then follow my Twitter and Tumblr:

Effectively decided to make my Tumblr look exactly like this Blog.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Romanesco Broccoli

Believe it or not, the thing below is edible! Happened to stumble upon it as I was reading up on recreational mathematics. It's an example of a naturally occurring fractal.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Time just disappears

I think this will be my first proper post in a long time.

I've really got nothing much to say nowadays. Maybe it's because I don't have the time to sit down and muse about life and write it all down. A lot of my thoughts just pass through my head and sadly I don't get a chance to write it all down.

Gone are my undergrad days when I wrote LONG posts. I guess that is the reason I miss those days. Well, I hope post-grad days would be similar, if not, more focused. Am aiming for a 2011 admission though 2012 is fine as well. However, who knows if I may delay that again.

I guess this is the first time I am writing about this in public. Twice before have I wanted to go into full time ministry in some way. First, at the end of my NS days before going to NUS. Back then the Lord said wait. The second towards the end of my NUS days, before I applied to NIE. Once again the Lord said wait.

So I waited. I have enjoyed the last 3 years very much and I know I have at least one more of this to go. After that, well, I still am waiting. That is one of my options.

Then again, who knows what may happen and I may just stay on in AHS indefinitely. That is certainly a big option.

God has been faitful and true to the promises right from the start. I guess this morning sermon was a reminder to listen to the Master Of Everything again. Need to remember that's what MOE really stands for.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Not really updated much recently. I guess it's due to Twitter. Anyway, decided to activate the mail2blogger feature. Hopefully that will see more frequent updates. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rather disappointing...

Sometimes if I were the one is that incompetent! Read my twitter for more info!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


This has got to be one of the more productive iPhone apps around. Connects to the Mac via wifi and then becomes a number pad. Really great when you have to enter a huge amount of numerical data. 


Sunday, August 02, 2009

The beginning of August

Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God. - Ecclesiastes 5:7

Was reading my archives the other day and found a lot my old reflective posts. Those days feel so long ago yet at times they feel like yesterday. Hard to imagine I had so much time to write back then, practically everyday. I guess that what's the non-studying life does to you; you think a lot but you don't have time to put it down into writing. 

Those words are actually full of meaning; sometimes we just complicate things. Better to submit all the words and dreams back to God and stand in awe of Him. 

I have plans, plans to move on from where I am right now and to return back to school. I miss studying, really want to go back to studying. However, it will be at least the end of next year before such plans become visible so in the meantime, still wait upon the Lord.

Only God knows if that is the best course of action. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I feel the pain...

This made the news a few days ago, in the Life! section. Yeah... I feel the pain! This guy talks about his guitar being damaged. I've had the same anxious feeling before! 

But the best part is that Taylor Guitars responded! A master-stroke if you asked me!

Anyway, it's painful as I'm a fellow Taylor guitar user. Trying to downsize my collection though, so I accept cash, paypal or a PRS / X3 live. Here's my Taylor guitar collection. Albeit with my Cornerstone in the mix. Of course the 2nd from the right isn't mine anymore. 


This would be really interesting

If it were true...


Wednesday, July 08, 2009


A look at my Statcounter indicates that someone out there, who is very bored, has been reading my archives! Of all years, my 2005 archives! Admittedly that was the worst year of my life in recent memory! Yet, thing were set in motion after that year for something much greater!

Anyway, to the person who is that bored, have fun peeking into my life while I was still a student! Reading back on those post really brought back some crazy memories! Can't believe I wrote all that then! But I shan't delete it, it's a reminder of where I once was.

Monday, July 06, 2009

6 degrees to many...

This is going to be one cynical post. Not a nice way to start the week. The last few weeks have actually messed my mind up a fair bit. All thanks to HQ/Cluster - level activities. It's not the organisation, but the people whom I had to meet during those events. It brought back strings of a past I am trying to sever. 

This is my second post on the "6 degrees" phenomenon. The first one is here.

Sigma Omicron Phi Iota Alpha, gosh... don't believe it's actually in that post... there certainly was a huge lack of it back then. 

4 long years and that post comes back to haunt me. Met someone today who was once the subject of my prayers. I even recall mentioning it somewhere in my archives. Finally met the person and totally not what I expected but in a nice way. 

It's just a small world and your mind is really messed up as a result. Met too many people in the past few weeks that I've been trying to forget and I wonder why. Is it just the 6 degrees at work? Or God answering a prayer?

Dear God, help me stop this spinning and grant me sight. 

Saturday, July 04, 2009

E-learning week!?!!??

So, e-learning week has kind of ended. I did some e-learning myself. I watched youtube videos and learnt how to fold some interesting things. That's e-learning right?

Anyway, in between watching FIBA33 matches, reading news reports assignments, troubleshooting the whole moodle system, marking and replying to students' queries I was folding these:

My first attempt at a paper hydralisk. Not bad, it could actually stand. 
My second attempt at a paper hydralisk. It's tail looked a lot better, more reticulated, but it couldn't really stand. Something to note: in origami, use thin paper. The orange paper was high quality paper; too thick to fold properly. 
Another attempt, using the left over paper to make a minute hydralisk. Very cute actually!
This is a Star Destroyer, really easy to make actually. Looks good eh? The ruler is there for scale. The small hydralisk is actually the same size as the Star Destroyer. 

This one was a pain to fold. Took me and hour and had to watch the video almost 30 times. The outcome is pretty impressive! This is a Terran Wraith. 
Thing to note: If I can fold these just by watching videos, I'm sure one can learn partial fractions and the modulus function by watching Heymath animations / lessons! 

Anyway, this is a picture of a fois gras dish I cooked up. (Yes, I cook. For those who have been following this blog for some time, they will know that it was once upon a time a food blog.) This is my interpretation of the dish I ate at Regent hotel about a month back. And yes, the fois gras was on BIG offer. 


Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's been 2 years!

Two years ago, I began my teaching as a full fledge teacher. It's just been too fast. One more year of my bond remaining. After that, well, I can only pray. But what do I pray for? That is the real question to ask. 

Three years ago, I stood ready to enter Temasek Secondary School as a real greenhorn. Fresh out of NUS, and not knowing if it was the right thing to do. But as God promised, the road has been made straight, even though I made so many funny mistakes, the road was prepared and somehow things always worked out. 

Now, the next few days will really be something. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Singapore Sling

Took the following picture a few weeks ago. Was on a heritage trail and I had to chaperone my class leaders. The picture doesn't look like much, but it is actually one of the trickiest and demanding corners in Formula One, the Singapore Sling. 

This is where Kimi Raikonnen crashed last year, that just goes to show how tight it is. Anyway, looking at the markings on the groud, it is hard to imagine how a car can negotiate that corner at 100km/h, you have to really salute the F1 drivers. 

It's quite one thing to be able to stand in the middle of one of F1's tightest corners, the feeling is quite crazy. Anyway, I wasn't jaywalking, I took that picture at the temporary pedestrain crossing that was put up right at the double apex of the corner. However, true to Singaporean standards, even the temporary crossing looked quite permanent. 

They've already begun reinstalling the floodlights. I will probably want to watch this year's Grand Prix live. Not sure if it will be the same next year!

Singapore Sling

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Good food!

It's been a while since a food post made it to the blog. Not been cooking much, need to find new recipes again. Over the weekend had a lot of family functions; on Saturday had my uncle's birthday and on Sunday my parents' anniversary. Well here's selection of the food!

Shark's fin, intersting presentation

Fois Gras... UNLIMITED!

Crazy offering of food!

Chocolate overload!

Monday, June 01, 2009

It's been that long...

Since graduating from NUS. 3 years! Time has passed so quickly, I am entering my 2nd year as a full fledged teacher already.

It's nice to meet up with the BCE guys to jam again, even though we hardly play with each other, I really enjoy playing with them. Strange though, we are always playing at weddings, but we are all unattached.

Listening to the updates about the VCF also brings some sadness to my heart. One standing com after another being closed. Like we always discussed, student ministry is only one generation away from extinction.

Today is exactly 2 years since my bond took effect. One more year and my bond would end, but I will stay on longer of course; though the desire to return to the books is there. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a find!

The school library has nearly the whole collection of Lone Wolf gamebooks! Including the the first 7 (out of 8) of the ultra-rare New Kai Order series. I thought none of those books made it into Singapore, but I was wrong! Each of those books are worth (a year ago at least) over a hundred euros! Much less now with the reprints.

Amazing, these books were what I used to read way back in Primary 6 and Secondary 1. But like the New Jedi Order, I stopped at the New Kai Order as it just wasn't faithful to the original series. Yet, the discovery of these books was a real shock! Nice to see them in good condition, hopefully the school chooses not to condemn them anytime soon!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The number of visitors to my blog suddenly jumped yesterday. Checked my statcounter and found that majority were looking for my PH1101E posts. Posted way back in 2005... during a rather dark and gloomy chapter of my life.

Reading those post really make me think "what on earth were you doing back then?!". My mind is certainly not as agile anymore.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Been a while...

... since I updated. 

Been extremely tired. For what reason, I do not know. It's been hot lately, and it's not been enjoyable as you perspire way too much. Body is somehow dehydrating, been waking up to serious nose bleeds!

Changed my morning routing a little. Now I cycle to school in more appropriate attire. That way can actually cycle the longer route home; need to exercise more. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Verses Read: Matthew 28:1-15, Psalm 66

Been a while since I posted my readings. Been extremely pressed for time, and for what reason, I do not know. This season of Lent seems a lot more sober, still wondering why. Powerpoint this weekend, it will be back to where we started; back to the basics. That's what I need to show.

Have been studying lately. Relearning all that I forgot from my University days. I just cannot imagine that those topics were once bread and butter for me and that I could roll definitions of my tongue without difficulty. Now, just reading those books are a headache! Well, have to be serious if I want to further my studies soon.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Testing - Slides

Testing to see how I can publish PowerPoint presentations onto blogger. More for my English and Mathematics blog. That one would really be interesting. 

Sunday, March 08, 2009

10227 days

Ten thousand, two hundred and twenty seven days. 28 years, one full calendar cycle. The weight of age never gets heavier than today, it's the same every year since I started keeping count 4 years ago. 

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of widsom" - Psalm 90:12

Trust a mathematician to take that verse literally. 

Wisdom. Been a while since I thought about it carefully. It is a word that has a lot of double meaning for me. Time cannot be reversed, will just have to move on till the time is right.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 22:14-33, Psalm 48

The gift of wisdom, these passages are a demonstration of Jesus' gift of wisdom. Twice He was asked trick questions and twice His replies left the crowds amazed. The proverbs tell us to desire wisdom, precisely what seems to be lacking nowadays. 


Verses Read: Matthew 22:1-14, Psalm 47

This is one passage where I have little clue on how to intepret it. If you were to think deeper, it is really scary. That many are invited but few are chosen. One thing I've yet to look at is the context and it's parallel. End of the day, one of those passages that really made me sit up and think. 

It's already March, going to be 28 soon. Not something I like to think about, but it's the truth. I wonder how long I can keep up or stay where I am. It's easy to burn out. Going to be a long week, have to juggle between so many administrative duties and yet I have to leave school early everyday for external duties. Going crazy trying to juggle everything. 

Thursday, February 26, 2009


As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain;
and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality - Albert Einstein

Makes a lot of sense. Especially from this side of the classroom.

It's a paradox. The syllabus has been cut by almost 50% since 10 years ago. Yet I am unable to finish it on time. There is so much less to cover, yet it seems people are finding it more difficult. Gone are topics like, APGP, a whole lot of trigonometry, implicit differentiation, functions and vectors.

Time. That's other interesting paradox. It used to be 2 sessions of school. So no possibility of remedials in the afternoons. In other words, we have more time nowadays. Yet the above situation exists.

Why is this so? I am still trying to find out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 42

Glad I read that Psalm! It is my turn to pray for the school tomorrow morning, and I have found what I need to say to everyone. A real Word in season. 

It's Ash Wednesday, not that we commemorate it. However, the passage from Matthew is closely related to the season of Lent. Just goes to show that those who thought of the Bible reading plan, planned it very well. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Matthew 17:14-27, Psalm 37

He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

A Psalm of great comfort to me. Be patient that is what it says, for the Lord will deliver in His time. I remember being SMSed this verse a few years ago out of the blue by a friend. She would pray every night and simply SMS verses out to friends whom she is led to do so. Amazing, for out of the blue, the verse came and reminded me of what to do and what not to do.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Matthew 15:21-39, Psalm 34

Not been a good week at all. People are usually happy when they see money. However, in the last few days the issue of money just makes me upset. Not because there is too little, but because there is just too much; to collect. 

Checks and balances that just do not speak of efficiency on any level. That just makes me upset. Very upset. Takes away the issue of trust and faith, replacing it with a paper trail and "accountability". Pretty robotic if you asked me. 

14 Feb. Doesn't help that the week ends like this. I wonder what would have been different if things didn't go downhill 3.5 years ago. Would I be happier? Would I be married or perhaps preparing for it? I wouldn't know. The fact is that isn't happening now. I guess I've gotten back into that state of mind where I'm disillusioned with that whole institution. Will thing pass? Or will I simply end up bitter like some out there?

Time, it heals wounds. In His time. 


Posted a lot of pictures from my phone which did not appear on the blog. Wondering why.

Posted by ShoZu

Cycling trip

About to leave for a cycling trip with my Boys. Might update with pictures. Spotting the AQ route today, and the crazy Tampines Bike Trail. 

Monday, February 09, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 13:24-43, Psalm 31

The question has always been why is there evil in this world. To me, that passage in Matthew does answer that question. It's here to stay, till the end of time. I guess it's a matter of being patient and among ourselves, a matter of inner healing sometimes.

Running out of marker pens. Not funny. Well, I guess this means I have to dig into my bag of tricks, a bag I've not opened since practicum. I guess there is some good out of this operation, forces me to think creatively once again. Or, as in practicum, create out of desperation.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 11:20-30, Psalm 26

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Yeah, it's a different burden this year. Somehow the weariness of last year was easier to bear. This year it's has been grinding. Somehow, I lack the motivation to do things that I was very enthusiastic about last year. A complete reversal. This verse really jumped out at me today. God's way of answering all the questions in my head. 

Finally rained today, after a long dry spell. More rain to come hopefully, Singapore has suddenly turned into the brown city with all the drying and dying grass. Humidity has been very low recently, guess that's why I've not been perspiring much in class. 

Hopefully that will all change soon. Cooler weather is always nicer. 

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 10:22-42, Psalm 24

I realise that when I start on a 25 day reading plan, sure it is less intimidating, but you end up with a lot less discipline. Back onto the main reading, and going to shift it back to the mornings! 

On another note, it is already February. The NIE trainees are going to come in soon. It was TWO full years ago when I was in their shoes. How I miss practicum, that was when I felt I was most effective as a teacher. Since turning full fledge, that seems to have diminished greatly. So strange, yet a trend that is so real and bizarre. 

I guess I have this blog to remind myself of the call. To remind myself to be that point of difference. TWO years, doesn't seem all that long ago. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Verses Read: Proverbs 10:4

Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth. 

I am on a 25 day per month Bible reading plan, so I have a couple of extra days in a month. Will be using these days to develop a set of devotions for the Boys Brigade based on the book of proverbs. Hence today's reading. 

The long weekend has come to an end, but there are no lessons tomorrow. Honestly, a wise move and a very pleasant surprise. Things this year are indeed very much better. Going to ride to Siglap after school to get my bicycle serviced. Chain is starting to make noise. 


Verses read: Matthew 10:1-20, Psalm 23

It's interesting to read that verse, that the words to say would be given at the needed time. And then to read Psalm 23 to be comforted with the knowledge that almost the same thing. Something to reflect on. 

Friday, January 23, 2009


Verses read: MAtthew 9:1-13, Psalm 21

I remember a dear friend who once messaged me verses from a chapter that was similar to the content of Psalm 21. It was an unexpected SMS but one that really served to encourage me in a very trying time. That really worked wonders during that period of my life and it is good to read such verses again just before I sleep. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 8:1-13, Psalm 19

Jesus as healer. You think about the song and how all of a sudden it isn't getting any play time on my iTune and you wonder if the story does have something to do with it. Yet, there is truth in that song. And to stop playing it would be a mistake. 

Well, today, I saw the look of horror during Amaths class. Wasn't fun for sure! I think I am going to print the laws of indices and logarithms on huge A3 sheets of paper and display them somewhere in the classrooms. Would make things slightly easier. 

Monday, January 19, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 7:15:29, Psalm 18:26-50

This is one of the longer Psalms in the book. The reading actually broke it into 2 halves. So I read the first half last night and the second this morning. The Matthew reading has been one that has been on my mind for a while now. It's all about foundation, a simple lesson to graphs but one that is not easy to master. That's the paradox of it, simple but not easy.

The weekend was pretty mundane, spent most of the time at home, recovering and resting. Thankfully my cough is almost cleared up to the point where I can start morning cycles.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 6:16-24, Psalm 15

Well, I shan't post a long reflection today. It's been 2 weeks since the start of the year. Things are better this year, but it is a different burden and somehow I am not really enjoying things as I should. Everything is really touch and go this year. I guess that is why I feel this way, the lack of depth. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Best job in the world?


Verses read: Matthew 6:1-15, Psalm 14

You can give, but you just cannot out give God. When I think back on the time I spent in Nepal, we gave, but we gave out of wealth. But the Nepalese gave as well, and they gave us much more than we could give. Truly they gave out of what they did not have and in turn we were more blessed than them.

My cough is finally starting to clear up. Hopefully it would have cleared up to the point where I can start morning cycles next week. There are so many things to do, things that I'd rather give up. But like how I started the year, just be faithful in the little things.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 5:33-48, Psalm 13

Psalm 13, it is a psalm that has appeared on my blog before, but written in prose. It was psalm of comfort to me at a very aweful time in my life. When I was seeking freedom from pain, I guess reading this Psalm today helped for I had a short chat with someone today. Someone who in some way was the source of that pain. 

Finally started my cycling to school. Need to up the ante a little and start cycling in the mornings. Once this cough clears. 

Monday, January 12, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 5:21-32, Psalm 12

When you are older, you read Matthew 5:30 in a very different light. Considering the context, it now makes total sense. I've read the verse so many times, never saw the significance till now!

Was on retail therapy today. Short day for me, left school record early. Therapy, because after today, things are certainly going to revert to last year. Bought the Prince Caspian DVD, it really has so many undertones and lessons that you can draw from just watching it. Even the added battle scene has Biblical roots. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Verses Read: Matthew 5:13-20, Psalm 11

I missed this morning's prayer meeting; needed some extra rest. Have been sick the whole week, my voice is almost gone, my nose has been bleeding, my throat is sore and my cough isn't exactly recovering. Had the Missioner's Fellowship after service, presented the video that I spent last night doing. Honestly not a very big effort on my part, just getting used to iMovie took some time. 

My nose started bleeding again suddenly just now. Have to be careful not to rub it too hard tomorrow, will be in Day Dress, which is pure white. My toilet resembled a murder scene for a while. Quite scary, just a small nose bleed and there was so much blood, how much more a larger injury!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Verses Read: Matthew 5:1-12, Psalm 10

The Beatitudes. I actually memorised them once. Now, my memory fails me. 

Been a long 2 days, hence the missed update yesterday. I'm a little tanned from standing in the hot sun, but it was a good weather. Better than rain anyway. Cough is starting to clear up, but still irritatingly painful to the point my head actually hurts. 

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 8

I am doing my readings in school. Somehow couldn't get out of bed to do it this morning. Perhaps there is some reason behind it. As I read this in school, I remembered that I once did a reflection on this verse many years ago and wrote it down. Indeed, it was in my journal, my first journal, the one that I kept in school! So I opened it up and read what I wrote. While it wasn't a reflection on that passage directly, it was a reflection on the corresponding message in Mark. This was what I wrote, way back in December 2008.

"When the disciples gave up their nets, it was their livelihood. But they did not hesitate to give up their nets. But they knew Jesus was all they needed. And hence they have up everything for him."

I actually wrote that 10 years ago. It's hard to imagine the scene, hardened fisherman simply leaving their nets and following Jesus. We always imagine Jesus as being quite meek, but I feel that this passage shows that Jesus had some presence in order to command such a group.

Anyway, my cough is far from clearing up and to make things worse, my nose is bleeding. It actually bled in class yesterday. That was certainly a first. I think it must have bled sometime during the night as well for I woke up with my throat completely choked with dried blood. Spent a good 5 minutes in the shower clearing it all up. I need to drink more water; the weather has been punishing the last few days.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 4:1-11, Psalm 7

The temptation of Jesus. Well known passage. Well, I was tempted not to come to school this morning. I am actually terribly sick, my cough has not gotten any better and I am developing a very sore throat.

It actually reminds me of the first few months of 2005, that year I was sick from the start of the year till way past Chinese New year. That was an El Nino year and there were plenty of forest fires. I cannot remember how I survived that really dark and gloomy year but it was the year I started reading the Bible consistently. All things do come around after a while and here I am posting my daily readings again.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 3:13 - 17, Psalm 6

A lament and a Psalm of David. I guess he wrote this while he was being pursued by his enemies and was hiding on some cave. What would I be thinking if I were in that situation?

Today is a short day, at least that is the plan. I do not know what other stuff I will get after school! I finally got down to clearing out parts of my room, got rid of the shelf that was in my way and threw away all my old cards. Only kept those that still had some value. Going to try rearrange the furniture soon, but will need a place for my guitars. Got to downsize the collection!

Monday, January 05, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 3:1-12, Psalm 5

When I read this passage, the thing that strikes me is that John the Baptist is actually portrayed as a person who lives in the wild. Almost barbaric in nature. YET, the crowds followed him; there had to be something that attracted these people to him.

Didn't post yesterday as it was a Sunday, but of course I still continued my readings. My teaching load for the day has already ended thanks to the dedication and installation service. My throat is feeling really sore, and I need more sleep!

Been invited to play at another wedding and another reunion with the BCE band. Nice. Fitting since this couple got together at that event. Hard to imagine it was FOUR years ago that we were cooped up at Temasek Hall writing songs and music for Falling Spinning. Yet in some way it is a reminder of "what it could have been for me". Like I wrote so long ago, the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.

Saturday, January 03, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 3

This passage recounts the visit of the magi. It has always been depicted that the magi visited Jesus on the night He was born. However a deeper reading to that passage does suggest that the magi visited only 2 years after Jesus was born. Yet again, I was watching the nativity story and they actually took this into consideration and presented the possibility that the magi could have indeed visited on the night Jesus was born. Yet, it is just a small detail, the key is that this passage proclaims God's gift to man.

I'm exhausted, and I have done nothing much today. The orientation day camp has concluded, it's definitely more low key than previous years. I do feel it has served to achieve it's purpose, I have been able to do a lot more administrative preparation due to the orientation being put into term time. Lose a little time in the beginning to save time later on, that's what a wise teacher once told me.

Friday, January 02, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 1:17-25, Psalm 2

The birth of Jesus and in Psalm 2 it is a psalm that talks about Jesus. The Psalm, according to my study Bible, could have possibly been used during the coronation of Israel's kings and it is a call to be a subject of God and even the Son of God. Seems that the ones who printed this material put in a lot of thought into the whole thing.

1st day of school. I'm losing my voice, a pretty standard first day problem. Lots of coughing going on within the staff room, seems like an occupational hazard. Going to be an interesting year, and I pray that it will be a good one.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Verses read: Matthew 1:1-17, Psalm 1

The genealogy of Jesus. One would hardly take much notice of it. But when you inspect it deeper, you find many scandals. Tamar and Judah; David and Bathsheeba for instance. Yet, it was through this line that Jesus came. Something to ponder about actually.

It's a new year and a new push. Last year I was passive, this year it's no hold barred. A part of me is looking forward to the new school year. The other part of me isn't of course! And another part is simply wondering why the term has to start on a Friday.

Well, the return of such posts to my blog herald a new push. The last time such a post appeared was just before practicum, slightly under 2 years ago. They are back to help with a new Bible reading programme that I've decided to spearhead in YMPACT. So, for how long will these posts last? Only God knows.