Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The number of visitors to my blog suddenly jumped yesterday. Checked my statcounter and found that majority were looking for my PH1101E posts. Posted way back in 2005... during a rather dark and gloomy chapter of my life.

Reading those post really make me think "what on earth were you doing back then?!". My mind is certainly not as agile anymore.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Been a while...

... since I updated. 

Been extremely tired. For what reason, I do not know. It's been hot lately, and it's not been enjoyable as you perspire way too much. Body is somehow dehydrating, been waking up to serious nose bleeds!

Changed my morning routing a little. Now I cycle to school in more appropriate attire. That way can actually cycle the longer route home; need to exercise more.