Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I feel the pain...

This made the news a few days ago, in the Life! section. Yeah... I feel the pain! This guy talks about his guitar being damaged. I've had the same anxious feeling before! 

But the best part is that Taylor Guitars responded! A master-stroke if you asked me!

Anyway, it's painful as I'm a fellow Taylor guitar user. Trying to downsize my collection though, so I accept cash, paypal or a PRS / X3 live. Here's my Taylor guitar collection. Albeit with my Cornerstone in the mix. Of course the 2nd from the right isn't mine anymore. 


This would be really interesting

If it were true...


Wednesday, July 08, 2009


A look at my Statcounter indicates that someone out there, who is very bored, has been reading my archives! Of all years, my 2005 archives! Admittedly that was the worst year of my life in recent memory! Yet, thing were set in motion after that year for something much greater!

Anyway, to the person who is that bored, have fun peeking into my life while I was still a student! Reading back on those post really brought back some crazy memories! Can't believe I wrote all that then! But I shan't delete it, it's a reminder of where I once was.

Monday, July 06, 2009

6 degrees to many...

This is going to be one cynical post. Not a nice way to start the week. The last few weeks have actually messed my mind up a fair bit. All thanks to HQ/Cluster - level activities. It's not the organisation, but the people whom I had to meet during those events. It brought back strings of a past I am trying to sever. 

This is my second post on the "6 degrees" phenomenon. The first one is here.

Sigma Omicron Phi Iota Alpha, gosh... don't believe it's actually in that post... there certainly was a huge lack of it back then. 

4 long years and that post comes back to haunt me. Met someone today who was once the subject of my prayers. I even recall mentioning it somewhere in my archives. Finally met the person and totally not what I expected but in a nice way. 

It's just a small world and your mind is really messed up as a result. Met too many people in the past few weeks that I've been trying to forget and I wonder why. Is it just the 6 degrees at work? Or God answering a prayer?

Dear God, help me stop this spinning and grant me sight. 

Saturday, July 04, 2009

E-learning week!?!!??

So, e-learning week has kind of ended. I did some e-learning myself. I watched youtube videos and learnt how to fold some interesting things. That's e-learning right?

Anyway, in between watching FIBA33 matches, reading news reports assignments, troubleshooting the whole moodle system, marking and replying to students' queries I was folding these:

My first attempt at a paper hydralisk. Not bad, it could actually stand. 
My second attempt at a paper hydralisk. It's tail looked a lot better, more reticulated, but it couldn't really stand. Something to note: in origami, use thin paper. The orange paper was high quality paper; too thick to fold properly. 
Another attempt, using the left over paper to make a minute hydralisk. Very cute actually!
This is a Star Destroyer, really easy to make actually. Looks good eh? The ruler is there for scale. The small hydralisk is actually the same size as the Star Destroyer. 

This one was a pain to fold. Took me and hour and had to watch the video almost 30 times. The outcome is pretty impressive! This is a Terran Wraith. 
Thing to note: If I can fold these just by watching videos, I'm sure one can learn partial fractions and the modulus function by watching Heymath animations / lessons! 

Anyway, this is a picture of a fois gras dish I cooked up. (Yes, I cook. For those who have been following this blog for some time, they will know that it was once upon a time a food blog.) This is my interpretation of the dish I ate at Regent hotel about a month back. And yes, the fois gras was on BIG offer. 
