Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cornerstone update #3

It's been quite a traumatic morning so far. So here's a post to get things off my mind!

Here is a picture of the back bracings. The back has been completed. Nice!
Cornerstone 016

Here is a picture of the two tops being glued. The vacuum bag is supposed to apply an even pressure throughout the top during this process. I think.
Cornerstone 017

The top being prepared for bracing. The top is a double top, a technique used mainly in the construction of classical guitars. Two sold pieces of wood thinned and joined together to "get the best of both worlds". Underneath this lighter layer of wood, parts of it were drilled to created hollow spaces. From the reviews so far, this significantly increases the volume and the quality of the tone.
Cornerstone 018

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How time flies...

Met an old secondary school classmate earlier in the day. It just seems like yesterday when we were all in the same class teasing and interogating each other on our crushes. Seemed quite the norm to do that back then, hasn't really changed much.

Well, he's now married with a 14 month old son. I can't quite imagine that.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cornerstone update #2

Since quite a number of people have been asking me to update. Here is an update. Was going to sleep, but then I received the following pictures in the mail. Woke up instantly and decided to update!

Kerfing going on to the guitar!
Cornerstone 014

The end graft. I love the book-matching even at the bottom!
ICornerstone 016

The rendition of the dove soundport!
Cornerstone 015

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Happy Teachers' Day 2007

I usually dedicate a post every Teachers' Day. This year is really different, as I am actually comemorating this day as a teacher. Last year, I was still in NIE, and it wasn't exactly a fantastic one due to salary adjustment annoucement. I wasn't affected, but plenty of my collegues were. Anyway, that was last year.

Well, this year, has a been a real learning year for me. Even teachers have teachers and this post is dedicated to my coorperating teachers at Temasek Secondary School, Mrs Lim Swu Yun, Mrs Rebecca Loke and Mr Toh Wee Kwang who really helped me a lot in the first half of this year.