Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Baked Vegetables

This is going to be my first post of a new food feature for my blog! Up first will be something that you can find in many cookbooks and it's a no brainer to prepare and cook!

What you need:
- A lot of vegetables
- Slat and Pepper
- Olive Oil

I used:
2 Carrots
1 Zuchinni
5 Button mushrooms
A few cloves of garlic

Baked Vegetables 01

Just chop them up into rather large chucks. Pour some olive oil over it and add some salt and pepper. And mix them up well. Like this:

Baked Vegetables 02

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes:

Baked Vegetables 03

And this is what you get:

Baked Vegetables 04

Simple and super easy to prepare. Good taste too! Pictures aren't fantastic, but will stick to using my camera phone.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


verses read: 1 John 5:1-12
prayer: 20 minutes

First day of the year of the dog. I like what Rev Paul Nga said at Fusion, he gave an acronym for dogs: Disciples Obedient to God’s Strategy. Makes a lot of sense, especially if you know what Dog and Cat theology is about.

Had to wake up really early to get to church this morning, and Pastor preached a very appropriate sermon for the Chinese New Year. And I’ve gone just come back from visiting four houses so pretty tired now. Well, had a pretty good catch; so I’m not complaining. But then, I won’t know till the fifteenth day, because I only open the ang pows then.

Was thinking about my thesis while in the car the whole day; in fact I brought my whole file along with me to do some work. Some proofs are just so blatantly obvious that just don’t think of doing them that way! Progress talk is this week, so I need to hammer down my proofs by Tuesday night latest. So will be working through the holidays this year.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


verses read: 1 John 4:7-21
prayer: 10 minutes

Love one another because God first loved us. John writes in a very simple way; no fanciful clutter, just straight to the point, just like the Gospel he wrote. Love God because God first loved us, and since we loved God we have to love each other, and if we don’t love each other, we cannot claim to love God. This passage is just a simple set of statements, but is so powerful in telling us how to love each other.

Got some fresh insight to some parts of my thesis in which I had problems. After that, I spent one and a half hours at the club manipulating symbols around the page trying to make things fit. I wonder why we mathematicians have to be bothered with all this manipulation, that’s the engineer’s or computer’s job! We just need to make sure the concept works!

Anyway, hopefully I’ve got enough material for my midterm talk next week. Hopefully my examiner will be merciful as well! Going to work on the main theorems of my thesis these 2 weeks, need to get them done within 5 weeks max. After that it is the first submission already, going to be tough! Helps that I’ve a 5 day weekend!

Friday, January 27, 2006


verses read: 1 John 4:1-6
prayer: 5 minutes

Test the spirits. There are some spirits that come from the world, and there are those that come from the light. This passage tells us how to distinguish them. When I read this passage some alarm bells went off in my head. Honestly, I don’t know what to think at the moment. So, I guess I will ask Pastor about it at the next accountability session and wait upon the Lord for His answer.

Midterm progress talk is around the corner, hopefully today when I meet my supervisor he can give me some insight as to where I went wrong. Really need help to clear those problems up! Tomorrow is the eve of CNY, going to be a long day actually.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Spicing things up a little!!!

I think this blog is getting a little too boring. Readership has been going down, don't think anyone is interested in reading my Bible readings or musings on life anymore. Pretty boring anyway... like what A/P Tan Kai Meng said a few years ago, "Mathematicians have no life". Yeah, I agree. It's quite frightening that a good majority of the math faculty members are still single.

So, going to spice this blog up a little, literally. My ambition in life is to be a doctor (of philosphy that is). Some Permanant Head Damage would be good. But, that is my ambition, whether I will achieve it is another thing entirely.

On the other hand, my dream job is to be a chef. (HAHA!) That's only known to some relatives and a fw close friends. But yeah, do enjoy cooking. Though I suck at desserts, but will try that someday. So, going to add another dimension to this blog by posting some of my kitchen disasters and triumps. Always love watching those TV cooking shows, I can't have one myself so I will just use this blog and my camera phone! So watch out for it soon!


verses read: 1 John 3:11-24
prayer: 5 minutes

Love one another; because Christ demonstrated how much He first loved us! More than that, if we do not love each other we are basically still trapped in the darkness. Worse still if we claim to love each other but in effect don’t. This passage was really meaningful to read.

CG yesterday was fantastic! Had a very spirited discussion; with much laughter and debate. Not something you usually see in the usually very sombre science CGs. Anyway, the issues that were raised were serious and despite the fun, underlying everything was a very serious tone. That’s for sure.

Finally had my first lesson of the semester yesterday, it was really fun as well! Although maybe I shouldn’t have taken it due to it’s high workload! But still, I’m taking it to gain some exposure to the language, might be useful if I ever choose to go for a mission trip over there.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


verses read: 1 John 3:1-10
prayer: 5 minutes

We’re the Children of God, and as such should be dead to sin. These few passages are very similar to various parts of the Gospel of John; not a wonder that the authorship of this book is hardly contested. Yet the tone of the writing is a lot different; it comes from an older person, which is expected of course. And so, as Children of God, we should not be giving way to the devil. Kind of ties in to what Rev Wee preached at Fusion, that our old self is dead; sin is lawlessness. So stop doing the things that lead in that direction.

Today is my first day of class. That’s right, after an extended break, I’m finally starting classes, even then, not the full set of classes. There’s CG after that as well. I’m supposed to be leading worship, something which I’ve not done in more than a month. Which does seem strange, but it is a very much welcomed break.

Anyway, my arms are aching after a seriously long workout at the gym yesterday. Decided to do more muscle exercises than usual. Tried my hand at making fresh pasta yesterday; it’s easy but tiring. Would be a lot easier if I had a pasta machine. Cooked it just now, was pretty good! Took some photographs, will put it online some other time.

Have been hit with GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome). It’s a worldwide phenomena among guitarists and bassists. I should actually say I’ve been hit with BAS, because this time I’m thinking of getting a 6-string bass. But they are actually quite hard to fine. 3 brands have emerged, Cort, Ibanez and Yamaha; they have pretty decent and not that expensive 6-string basses. I’m actually seriously considering the John Myung bass, which is the cheapest of the lot, but the turn off would be it’s small string separation. It’s way too small for me; but will give it a try anyway.

Other than that, the Cort and Ibanez basses carry Bartolini pickups which is what is usually used in the way more expensive boutique basses like Fedora or that sort. And since they are solid bodies, the body doesn’t really affect that much of the tone. Then again, hopefully the BAS will pass, then I won’t be buying anything new!

Taylor has a new guitar as well. The Grand Symphony (GS) body shape; with properly aligned tonewoods; and they won’t come with stock electronics or cutaway. Unfortunately (or thank goodness), I don’t quit fancy the new shape. Well, they don’t make Taylors like they used to; that’s actually a blessing to my wallet!

Midterm talk is coming; need to hammer down some results before next Thursday or I will be slaughtered by the examiner. Had a sudden flash of inspiration yesterday and was able to think of some interesting way to proof a certain result, hopefully this inspiration lasts a little longer!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


verses read: 1 John 2:18-29
prayer: 5 minutes

This passage contains warnings about the antichrist. In the last days, many will come claiming to be the son of god; but in reality they are false teachers. So, my guess is that we are really in the last days, since we hear of so many crackpots who claim as such. Stay true to Jesus, and we will gain the reward of eternal life.

Yesterday was good. Managed to start working on one of the main theorems of my thesis finally. It wasn’t that difficult but definitely am starting to run into problems. Going to have a haircut today and continue ironing out those problems!

Monday, January 23, 2006


verses read: 1 John 2:15-17
prayer: 10 minutes

A reminder to not love the things of this world. That when we love the things of this world, it is as good as saying that we do not have the love of God within us. A bit harsh. But if we do the Father’s will, we will live forever.

Need to rush my thesis. I am stuck at a problem I thought I had resolved, quite serious now. Going to school later to rush the work. Hopefully I can squeeze in some time at the gym today as well.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


verses read: 1 John 2:1-14
prayer: 15 minutes

These chapters is all about our First Love. Of remembering the cross; the finished work of the cross. Ties in nicely with Ps Jon’s sermon today as well as Rev Wee’s sermon at Fusion yesterday. The issue of our First Love, I remember 2 years ago that was practically all I was trying to get across. Strangely enough, I seemed to have forgotten that in the past 8 months. Now I know why.

Fusion 2006 was very good. Not crazy like last’s year’s but I still prefer the very first Fusion in 2003. I remember in 2003, it was mainly for the schools and the youth leaders of the various churches. Fusion 2003; same worship leader but completely different impact. I’m amazed.

Well, I guess the post “Because I don’t know…” sums up a lot of what I heard the Lord telling me. Live has to move on; and His way will show itself eventually. To be honest, I cannot wait for that to happen. I’m excited, yet saddened; but I will wait.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


verses read: 1 John 1
prayer: 15 minutes

My next set of readings will be on the 3 letters of John to the church. 1 John was written out of a need to address certain heresies in the church back then. Once again, the type of heresies heard then are the same as now. Gnosticism was and is perhaps one of the most prevalent. And since the Da Vinci Code movie is coming, might be good to read this book.

The opening passage of this book is so similar to the Gospel of John. Talking about light and the word; and the only way to be saved is through Jesus. And yes, the best way to address heresy is of course to return back to the basics, the basic tenets on the faith and the root of salvation. So, the next few days should be an interesting read.

Friday, January 20, 2006

love will find a way!!!

I've not felt this happy and contented for 3 months. 3 months to the day in fact! I wish the happiness was mine. I wish the happiness would last forever; but I know it won't. But that wont' stop me from being happy at the moment.

A dear friend had a strange prayer request of me. Well, maybe not so strange; just strange that I'm finally reaching the age in which I actually have friends who ask "the question". But well; I'm really happy for him! So very happy!

And the reality of age is fast starting to creep up on me. When friends ask you to pray such prayers for them, when you start receiving pink envelopes in your mail box, when you celebrate love with everyone; you know you are old.

Love always will find a way. A way to forgive even the most grvious hurts. A way to heal the most painful wounds. So, I guess after searching for answers, I return back to the beginning; where the answer always was. A simple promise I made 7 months ago; to honour love no matter where it took me. And it has taken me very far indeed; from nice hgh lofts to dark lightless valleys. But love will find a way.

Still stuck in the valley. But I see maybe some light up ahead. Chinese New Year is going to come soon, and it's going to end just as fast as it came. Well, that's the signal for me; for me to come out of this time of retreat. This time of spending time away from ministry.

Exciting work has been cut out for me. Been given the priviledge of a lifetime to make a difference in the Church. Not PMC, but the Church as a whole. What will life after that hold for me? I don't know. Only God knows, but I will follow His way. I know He has something in store, a door for me to knock open. Will it be the same door? Maybe not.

But like what another dear friend told me; God's will alone might not be enough. If the love and commitment is not reciprocated; so what? It's still doomed to failure. That's was a whole new paradigm for me.

I hold on to love now. Not just the same promise that I made 7 months ago; that and something else now. Age is catching up on me. I pray that someday soon I will be able to make that same prayer request to my friend. Love will find a way to do so.

*post dated*


verses read: Ecclesiastes 12
prayer: 10 minutes

There is meaning to everything after all. The central trust of this book is that everything in this world is meaningless. The pursuit of riches, of wisdom, of achievements are all meaningless unless they have the right focus in mind; and that is God.

Like what the speaker at FT said a few days ago, the things that we have of this world are not the end; but the means to an end. And all things end with God; that’s where we are going at the end of it all. So all the riches I have, I cannot take it to heaven. Same goes for all my possessions and wisdom, and intellect, anything; all cannot go to heaven. And so, fear God; and obey His Word. Then we will see why w have been given so many blessings in this life.

I guess life is starting to take a turn for the better for me. Which God told me would happen as Chinese New Year approaches. Reading the book of Ecclesiastes has put back some meaning in my life; preparing me to re-enter the frontline ministry again. What will life after that hold for me? 4 more months of waiting and praying before something new happens. But I will fear the Lord and continue to listen to His commands; for that is the beginning of wisdom.

Finished re-typing my thesis. Took 5 days! Going to try get some new material done; going to jump straight to the main theorems to save time. Then work on the other remaining results if time allows. I have a feeling my thesis is going to be quite short. But well, it’s okay.

There is SG tonight; KW will be taking over for today. I on the other hand have to leave halfway. Which is good, what I want to see in this SG is everyone taking ownership and rising up as new leaders in the YM. I want to move on; just that God hasn’t called me to move on yet.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 11
prayer: 5 minutes

So sometimes its good for us to take risks and “take the plunge”. But that too is meaningless at the end of the day. Youth and vigour are also meaningless. But yet we are told to remember our Creator when we are young, to be happy and enjoy our lot in life.

So I guess, when all is said and done, everyone does have a certain lot in life. Something that is perhaps worldly and worth indulging in? But perhaps, that too is meaningless. But I guess the final thing to learn is in the final chapter of this book. That will wait for tomorrow.

Prayed a short while before falling asleep yesterday. A simple prayer of thanksgiving. Hard to accept all the things that come my way in life. But I guess I will find the contentment in the little things.

Today, I have to finish retyping my thesis and submit it. Or I will be in trouble. After that, I have to work through the proof of one of the two main theorems in my thesis. Hopefully I can get part of it nicely done by evening, If I can achieve that today, then it would have been a good day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 10:1-10
prayer: 40 minutes

This passage continues to talk about wisdom. And it seems to reverse the stereotyped roles of the world. The rich and powerful are said to be those who are really in poverty and so forth. I can relate to a lot of what this passage seems to say.

The things of this world that define you, that shape you, that give you your riches and comfort or lack of it aren’t really important. It a never ending cycle; once you get something of this world, you only want more of it. It never ends. That is a mystery of life; don’t know a person who doesn’t struggle with it.

Today is FT, going to continue working on my thesis before heading to school in the evening for it. Need to get at least 5 or 6 more pages retyped by the end of the day, have a schedule that I need to keep or I will be in trouble!

Monday, January 16, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 9:13-18
prayer: 10 minutes

Wisdom is better than folly. But then, even sometimes, wisdom goes unnoticed, unappreciated and forgotten. But then, the Teacher says that this is a good thing not a bad thing. Silence. Sometimes, it takes silence to express true wisdom. Something I’ve to learn.

Re-typed part of my thesis, will be spending the day continuing on that. Going to school later for the Bahasa Indonesia introductory lecture. Realised I’ve not posted a run down of my modules, maybe will do that later.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 9:6-12
prayer: 10 minutes

I don’t know what to write. Practice yesterday was fine in my opinion. I’m not expecting much really, and the band is starting to get pretty good. One Voice is turning into a monster, will have to stop accepting new members sometime; or else the current infrastructure will overtax everyone again.

Church today was good. I think Amy has set a very high standard for the other speakers to follow. My session is pushed back to April, so I’ve got quite a bit of time to prepare myself.

*rest of this entry in my private journal*

verses read: Ecclesiastes 9:1-6
prayer: 10 minutes

Just finished a massive download; some program to help my type out my thesis. Downloaded through the night. Hardly slept. Today is another One Voice meeting. Should be interesting.

Yesterday was pretty okay, went to see A/P Leung. Feel “inspired” to retype my thesis now, though that may take quite a while. I’m just too sleepy to think at the moment. Going back to sleep shortly.

Friday, January 13, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 8:9-17
prayer: 5 minutes

Overslept. I’m confused after reading this passage. But then the way the passage ends seems to be an indication of how most people would feel after reading it anyway. Clueless!

The rain seems to have finally stopped. That’s welcomed after virtually 5 days of continuous rain. And the WP may want to contest in East Coast GRC. How interesting; because I will get to vote! But time will tell.

Going to see A/P Leung later, with whatever little I’ve done since the last meeting. Completed most of the first two chapters of my thesis already. Two more chapters to go, both of which are mainly lifting from the text book; but with a lot of elaboration and filling in of the blanks. Will then sit in the Introduction to Analytic Number Theory class; unfortunately it is a big class or I would seriously consider sitting in all the time.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 8:1-8
prayer: 40 minutes

Obey the king. We don’t know what the king’s command may do, or what they may lead us to. But we don’t know our future anyway; so obey the king. Of course this is an allusion to obedience to God. Don’t know what the future holds, but I will obey and hold fast to the oaths I’ve made.

*missing paragraphs in my private journal*

Attempting to shift my postings back to the early mornings. Yesterday was very productive, got a lot of my thesis done. Today will be another long day. Got that important meeting at Bible House. Will then need to work on my thesis through the night. Going to see A/P Leung tomorrow. Need to finish the first two chapters at least.

I cannot wait for the weekend to come. Looking forward to church again all of a sudden. Tried to avoid it for a few months, but I’m coming back. Very slowly, but surely. Well, life goes on; it always will.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 7:21-29
prayer: 10 minutes

Wisdom. That’s what chapter 7 is about. The whole chapter reads like a chapter from Proverbs; a lot of sayings. Then again, both books could have been written by King Solomon; hence the similarities. It also reads like a philosophical argument. But that’s what “philosophy” means; “I love wisdom” or “lover of wisdom”.

Anyway, in his search for wisdom, the Teacher finds that a lot of things are futile. At the core of it; it is the transient nature of life. The whole book seems to revolve around that theme. That whatever we do here on earth is at the end of the day “meaningless”; because we will all perish. Of course, the main conclusion and final thoughts on this matter are at the end of the chapter; so that’s only a partial conclusion to the message of the book.

Rain has finally ended. The good news is that my room withstood the onslaught this time round. So no flooding. So I’ve replaced my CDs and DVDs back in their usual place. This time I placed them in plastic boxes and covered them.

Will be going to school today. Have CG at night; even though it is my free day. Going to the library to get work done on my thesis. Have an idea on how to proceed with some theorems; so going to have to look into that.

Downloaded more GENS Roms; Sonic, Moonwalker and Quackshot. Like my brother told me, “You are going to fail this sem.” Will play them at another time. Will hole myself up in the science library the next few weeks to get the major parts of my thesis done. I think I should be able to get a very rough draft done by the weekend. Midterm talks are coming soon; will need some inspiration to get all the work on that done.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 7:11-20
prayer: 20 minutes

Been raining almost non-stop since Sunday morning. That’s almost 60 hours. It is a stark contrast to last year’s dry spell which brought hundreds of bush fires daily. Going to try squeeze in some time today to do my thesis. It’s a public holiday; and school doesn’t start till after Fusion anyway!

Monday, January 09, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 7:1-10
prayer: 20 minutes

The day feels to early to write down something. Today is the first day of school for NUS. But having only one module, school doesn’t really start till a few weeks time. So I’m busying myself with my thesis. Midterm talks are going to start soon, so got to get to work.

On the good side of things, I’m finally getting tired of playing warsong over and over again. So going to take a break. Need to work on my thesis!

Need to find sometime to get the administrative side of One Voice going. With the 5 team leaders, things are a lot easier. The jam went pretty well the other day. Will see how things happen this week. Got a lot of stuff on my to-do list that I need to clear with respect to One Voice. Going to get to work soon.


verses read: Ecclesiastes 6
prayer: 10 minutes

Went to church today; but it felt different. For the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed myself. Didn’t feel so burdened by stuff. So just sat down and listened all the way. Felt good, and different. Maybe it’s because I’m in a nostalgic mood, and the move back to Peace Cove is quite nostalgic. But well, hoping it will last. Honestly, when I found out about today’s attendance, I was in shock. So were the pastors and everyone else! Well, time will show itself.

verses read: Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
prayer: 10 minutes

Riches are meaningless. I’m starting to really identify with the things written in this book. Very meaningful! Pun intended. But really, now I’m starting to understand why I don’t fancy retail therapy so much; riches is meaningless anyway.

Yet, man is entitled to his lot; as it says later in the passage. I guess that is really providence from God. The trick perhaps is learning to be contended with our lot in life. Only then, will our hearts be full of meaning. Beginning to understand a lot more now.

I really cannot understand the rationale for me choosing such a book to read. The title is so frightening even to pronounce, but I’m glad I’m reading it. Feel very comforted.

Hardly been sleeping the last few nights. Been playing Warsong till the sun rises. Not Good! But it’s really fun; and brings back so many memories! Well, school isn’t going to start till much later anyway.

Have gotten my sole module already. Think it will be fun. Was given permission to sit in the Introduction to Analytic Number Theory class; but after seeing the class register, I am thinking twice. It’s too many people to squeeze into a small room. I like small classes; like my topology class, only 10 people, more enjoyable and easier to score!

Saturday, January 07, 2006


I sometimes wonder how Moses must have felt. Having led the Israelites out of Egypt, then seeing the Red Sea part, then having manna fall from heaven. And when they were at the edge of the promise land, Israel's disobedience made God turn them away. And Moses himself, he should have had the priviledge of entering the promised land, but because of his own disobedience, he would not live to see the day Israel conquered it.

I sometimes wonder how Joshua and Caleb must have felt, being the spies sent into the promised land; they knew God's plan and knew victory was theirs. But their 10 peers said otherwise, incited the whole nation to rebellion. As a result, spent 40 years in th desert. They watched their families die, they watched their fellow countrymen perish in the sand. 40 years. That was their wilderness experience.

I sometimes wonder how Jeremiah and Isaiah must have felt. They warned Israel of impending destruction but no one would listen. Two major prophets; both considered very important figures in the Bible. But, zero percent success rate. Isaiah was believed to be matyred. And Jeremiah saw the destruction of Israel and was sent into exile.

I sometimes wonder how Daniel must had felt. Being taken away from his homeland at a young age; just a teenager. He was trained in a foreign land, had his named changed to reflect the glory of false gods and at the end; died away from his home. 70 years spent in exile. That was Israel's exile experience.

I always wonder why I feel the way I do. But now I know, but it doesn't bring much comfort. I'm in my exile experience. That's how I'm starting the new year; in exile. While Israel was in exile for 7 decades, I will be in exile for 7 months; based on a promised I made to God. What's in it for me at the end of 7 months? Nothing. It's just a time I need on my own to discipline the heart.

Had my wilderness experience already. Felt lost for a while; exactly on this date last year. Somehow in between I thought things got better; but like the Israelites; I fell away. And bitter enemies surfaced again; ghosts of the past.

I take comfort in one thing, during the wilderness and during the exile, God wasn't taking time off. The nation of Israel became strong each time, and where they once were cowards, they became warriors after each experience.

So I feel blessed that God has given me this experience of pain. A time of forced rest; the tenth discipline that I never seem to know how to practice. Stopped frontline service in church till after the Chinese New Year. Taking a forced time away from ministry.

It's been restful so far; am untouchable during YM Com meetings... spared arrows in other words. But it also means that I am prevented from what I used to be doing. Which is a good thing. I need this rest.

But this forced rest is only till after the Chinese New Year. What do I do from then till the day I collect my degree scroll? I don't know. Just taking a day at a time. Getting back into the rhythm of life? Maybe. So like Daniel, my heart longs for home. But I guess I will never really get to see home till I move on with this life.

How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever? How long will you hide Your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and everyday have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; my enemy will say, "I will overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall. But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing to the LORD for He has been good to me.

I will sing
Lord, You seem so far way
A million miles or more it feels today
And though I haven't lost my faith
I must confess right now
That it's hard for me to pray
But I don't know what to say
And I don't know where to start
But as You give the grace
With all that's in my heart

I will sing, I will praise
Even in my darkest hour, through the sorrow and the pain
I will sing, I will praise
Lift my hands to honour you
Because Your Word is true, I will sing

Lord it's hard for me to see
All the thoughts and plans you have for me
But I will put my trust in You
Knowing that You died to set me free
But I don't know what to say
And I don't know where to start
But as You give the grace
With all that's in my heart

(C) Don Moen

Friday, January 06, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
prayer: 10 minutes

Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God. – Ecclesiastes 5:7

To me, that verse says a lot. To stop dreaming and just stand in the awesome presence of God. When we make a vow, fulfil it. Don’t delay. Better to no make a vow than to make a vow and not fulfil. So I have to be resolute in what I am doing.

Feeling a lot better now. Got a big load of my chest yet I’m sad that I had to do that. But it’s better that way, better for everyone involved. Life must move on, even after the thrill of living is gone. But I feel much better now. For the first time in a while, I’m feeling a little more relieved. My heart is not so burdened. At least for the time being. School won’t officially start till like the third week of January, so going to work on my thesis and my midterm progress talk, to take my mind of things.

But even that is going to be a problem now! Been wanting to get a GBA or a PSP to accompany me on the long rides to NIE in the second half of the year. And it helps that some really old games are being re-released soon. But then I began thinking about my project and thought, “not a good idea to get one now, will delay my progress!” And after all, I may not make it to NIE anyway!

So I decided to delay getting the GBA or PSP till after the exams, or at least till my submission, or till I’m accepted into NIE. But then, I began to get a little too nostalgic, and began to reminisce about the old games I used to play on NES and SEGA genesis. Games like Legend of Zelda, Megaman 2 and 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sonic and of course WARSONG!

So I went online and began checking out storyboards to these games and all. That’s when I found out that some of them were being re-issued to GBA. (Imagine, in the past you will need a TV set and the console to play the game, now the very same game can be played on a handheld device.) That’s when I downloaded the NES and GENS emulator. (Oh oh!)

So, now I have Megaman 2 and 3, TMNT and Warsong! Retro eh?! And I realise that they are really small files, less than 300KB each. Graphics aren’t fantastic, but then they are all 15 year old games, so I’m not complaining. Although interfacing with the games can be tricky, basically programmed parts of my keyboard to have the same feel as an NES or GENS controller.

So I ended up playing Warsong till 4am last night, or this morning. Was really fun; sure a lot more fun than WCIII or Diablo2. Not played those since I gave up my gaming days at the beginning of NUS life. But more than a game, it was a trip back to my days back in Amber Park.

Back when we would go around each other’s houses and borrow games or play them at each other’s houses themselves. It was so much fun then; the interaction and all. It was so much simpler back then.

Going to get my NIE application done soon; then I will have some fun to accompany me on my long train rides to the other side of the island.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 4:13-16
prayer: 10 minutes

Advancement is meaningless. We have to begin somewhere. Usually in some lowly position, over time if we perform well we move up. But what is the point of all this, at the end of it all we will still pass on.

Returned to the gym after almost 10 days. Feel much better now. Like a lot of stress and tension has been released. Going to work on my thesis, and start checking up on CORS. Can only start bidding today. But I don’t think I will have a problem with points.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 4:1-12
prayer: 10 minutes

This book has a frightening name. At last the first time I heard of it many years ago. But now as I read it, it seems to make a lot of sense. Calms my heart all the time. Good way to start the days.

Back is feeling much better. Though there is still a slight nagging pain. Will return to the gym tomorrow after council meeting. Yesterday went pretty well; I think. Had a lot more people than I expected.

It’s time to move on with life.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 3:9-22
prayer: 10 minutes

This passage is about time, and the goodness of God’s timing. There is a time for everything. But at the end of it all, God’s timing is immaculate. And because of that, the work done for the Lord is good. It is not meaningless but meaningful! It’s a passage that is very opposite from the previous 2 chapters.

Back is still a little stiff. But the pain is dissipating; hopefully it will b gone by Thursday, then I can head to the gym after council meeting. Today is the CG Mongolian Ministry thing, hopefully people will come!

Monday, January 02, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
prayer: 15 minutes

Yesterday was a pretty mad rush; a very long day for me. After watchnight ended, went home, slept for 3 hours and had to rush back for church. Had a good family dinner at home. Tried to make a mousse; but it was a complete failure. So I froze the cream instead and managed to get some home made ice cream. The consistency was off though; will try doing this another time. Desserts are just not my specialty.

My back is still stiff. But that means the pain should dissipate in one or two more days. Really need to hit the gym after that; been feeling very bloated due to the lack of exercise. But it still takes an effort to change for a sleeping position to a sitting position and finally to a standing position. So better to rest a bit more.

Going to work on my thesis today. Need to produce some new work today and make an appointment with my supervisor next week or I would be in trouble.

Tomorrow is my CG’s Mongolian Ministry fundraising project. Should be interesting. Wishing things would change a little.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


verses read: Ecclesiastes 2:17-26
prayer: 10 minutes

Toil is meaningless. What are the works of my hand that can last? And conversely, so what if we have works that can outlast us? These works have to be passed on to someone else. And if it falls to someone who is foolish, it is meaningless. But if it falls to someone who is wise, the cycle just repeats and once again it is meaningless again. At least that is what I think this passage is saying. But once again, this is just part of the whole book; the entire meaning of what this book speaks about will only be clear when you read the whole thing

New Year’s Day. Yesterday’s (or last night rather) watchnight service touched a raw nerve with me. With what Bishop preached and said during the communion as well as the words of the Wesleyan Covenant. What a way to start the new year. It was interesting. Slept rather late; was contemplating about the past few years. Upon returning from church, I went online to read the past year’s issue of Navy News! “Sweet” reminiscence.

Before I slept, reflected a little more on what is going on in my life at the moment. Life may not be going well. but I know if I need to hang on a little more. The answers that I’m seeking are never going to be answered, but answers are not what I’m looking for anymore. Looking for something else, something that will last, toil that is not meaningless.

My back is still hurting. Now it’s feeling numb. Which is a good thing. Means that the pain will be dissipating soon. Exactly the same kind of numbness I felt on the first two days of Go Forth Conference last year. That was the last time my back acted up so badly.