Thursday, March 31, 2005

All for love...

Was watching the "United - Look to You" behind the scenes video and there was this clip of Joel Houston where he said something like, "At what point do you start relying on your own strength because you take what God has given and His grace for granted? And at what point do you come to realised that you have to rely on God?"

Those words struck me hard. And as I watched the rest of the video, I realised that their new album nearly did not happen, the usual band was all over the world, rehearsals were pretty much last minute and new songs were coming in all the way to the eleventh hour.

It immediately brought back memories of the VCF musical. The similarities were too striking. But I guess at some point, in our burnt out state, we started to realise that we needed to lean on God for strength and surrender our skills to Him.

The past 3 months have been one of the longest and tiring in my life. But life still goes on. And now, after basically neglecting the Youth Ministry for the past few months, it's time to come back and take a larger role in it again.

One Voice is longer the same team it was, reduced to half it size in last few months, there is no hiding the fact that something new needs to be done. But the time for recruitment has not yet come.

As a worship team, the biggest struggle we face is pride; pride in our own abilities, pride in our own skills. At what point did we start relying on our own strength and take God's grace for granted?

At what point will we realise that the only way to move on is to drop, fall and decend into humility and let God take control. At that point, we will realise something, that we can go further than we were before.

It starts with us, coming to realise the cost He paid for us on the Cross. That was an act of humility and love. For us, so that we may follow Him. Every Sunday, when we lead the youth in worship, we must be hollow, so that the love of Christ can shine through us, and not be stopped by us.

All for love a Father gave
For only love could make a way
All for love the heavens cried
For Love was crucified

All for love a Saviour prayed
Abba Father have Your way
Though they know not what they do
Let the Cross draw Man to You

(C) Words by Mia Fieldes