Rice (washed)
Chicken fillets, cubed
Onion and Garlic, chopped up
Curry powder
Soya Sauce
Chicken Stock
Cashew nuts and raisins

Heat up the wok, add some oil, stir fry the chicken until half-cooked.

Add in the onions and garlic, make sure you added in a lot of oil in the beginning, you will need that to make the onions and garlic fry well.

Add in the rice. The rice has not been cooked yet, you can do the steaming in the wok. Add in some curry powder (and a little more tumeric if you like) on top of the rice.

Stir the whole thing to get the curry powder well distributed.

Add in water and a little chicken stock; add in the tomatoes as well. Make sure there is enough water to cook the rice, and not too much water or you will get chicken porridge. Cover the wok, and stir occasionally to get flufy rice. Add soya sauce during the cooking process to taste.

When the rice is cooked, add the nuts and raisins!