Saturday, October 30, 2004



All my posts so far have been so serious, so I thought I provide some “comic relief”. Well, don’t worry this isn’t a post on mathematics; it’s on something entirely different. I had good laugh while writing it, I hope you will have a good laugh while you read it. But remember at the end of it all, I do hope that you take the message seriously.

Felt convicted to write this last Friday (22 Oct) just before my complex analysis lecture (sorry… just had to add that in!). Anyway, I find it ironic for a guy who has never been attached to have to share his “BGR story” or rather, his lack of it. But, when God asks you to do something, don’t ask why, just do!

Well, as you can tell, this post is about BGR (got your attention now?), and what I have learnt in the time of loneliness that I have. I was given 2 books for my birthday. “Choosing God’s best” and “Boy meets Girl” And since they were given to me in March, they have laid on my bedside table, almost untouched.

Well, actually I did try to read “Choosing God’s Best” but I stopped at the chapter on celibacy; have to say that it spoke to me quite a bit. (OK… not a bit, more like ‘a lot’) After that, I decided to stop reading the book. And both books have been on my table untouched, until recently.

And what happened recently? Well, been in a weird situation recently, it’s like déjà vu, but yet a little different from the last time. Not knowing what to do, I prayed. And out of blue, my friend from school messaged me a verse! Psalms 37:4. It was like as though an instruction manual had been dropped on my lap; it seemed so obvious what God wanted me to do. That was how much that verse spoke to me!

But more was to come! A week after that, I flipped open the front cover of “Choosing God’s Best” and there was a handwritten note by the people who bought me the book; and at the end of the note was a verse. Guess what verse? Psalms 37:4! So I said, “OK God, I know you want me to read this, so I will read it.”

It took me 3 painful weeks to read; and at the end of that, I read “Boy Meets Girl”. The latter was a lot easier to read (pretty funny too); I read it in 1 day! And that day was last Friday, when I felt I needed to share my story with all of you. So, here it goes! Laugh all you want!!!

My story so far
Well, I’m 23 and have been unattached all my life! (I will be 24 soon, just compare that with AmBer, sorry…)
I have NEVER been on a date before! (Well, I have been out with girls one on one before, but I won’t consider them dates… just ask Amy… sorry Ber)
I don’t like going out
I don’t like talking on the phone
I usually watch movies alone
And the list goes on!!!

And the best part is (couldn’t contain my laughter here) I have ever only told one girl (directly) that I liked her. And it took me 11 YEARS; yes let me say that again ELEVEN YEARS to muster the courage to tell her! HA HA HA!!!

She was a primary school classmate. Same bus, same class till primary 4. I sat next to her in Primary 4; and I liked her then! (It was like a scandal in my class and school bus) After Tao Nan, she went to Dunman High and I ended up in Tanjong Katong Secondary School. Lost contact with her but met her once in a while during Teacher’s day. In 1997, I saw her at the VJC Open House, had a nice chat with her, but I never saw or spoke to her again after that, for a long time.

To cut a really long story short, a mutual friend of ours managed to put us in contact again via ICQ. And that was when I finally told her. I finally met her again in NUS in September 2002. I really would have asked her out, but when I prayed, God said, “no”. I was very sad.

But I know why God said no; she wasn’t a Christian. And I knew that if I went out with her, it would have been the end of me. God was protecting me.

“God, I like her a lot. Is she dropping me hints? Does she like me too? Is she the one? What should I do? O God please help me!”

Sound familiar? Well, I believe most if not all guys would have made that prayer before. Or at least something that sounds like that! Let me share what I have learnt, from the perspective of a single guy. (There’s actually a lot more that I would have loved to add in. But I will leave that to another time; so, here it goes.)

God’s timing
One thing that I have experienced all my life is that God’s timing is immaculate. And our timing; cannot make it. Our human nature makes us long for the company of the opposite sex. And more often than not, our own human impatience takes the better of us and we try to find a partner on our own power.

What happens after? If it doesn’t work out, you break up, cry a lot and are scarred emotionally for life. And you bring this excess baggage into the next relationship and eventually into your marriage. Do you really want that?

I believe that God will give each of us a partner and a companion in His own time; if we learn to trust Him. But before we can ask who we are going to marry, I think we need to ask another preliminary question, “Are we meant to marry in the first place?”.

Celibacy is a Spiritual Gift. (1 Cor 7:7) People who are perpetually lonely as singles are usually the same ones who are worried about what isn’t happening to them instead of thinking of what they should be doing during this season of single-hood to minister to another. Their focus is inward not upward.

For some of us (like me) this season may last a long time. Instead of getting caught up in trying to find someone before your biological clock goes downhill, ask God why you are alone and what He wants you to do about it.

But not all of us are meant to be alone. In that case, trust God. He will guide you to someone who is best for you. So what should you do in the mean time?

Well, instead of trying to get closer to the girl of your dreams, get closer to God and slowly discern His will for you. Instead of finding someone of your dreams, try being the someone your dream will want.

Guard your heart
(Note: In this section, the word fellowship is used in a very general sense)

Guard your heart and guard the heart of your fellow brother or sister. Extended times of fellowship with one another is great, but it can be potentially damaging.

Such extended times together will certainly mean getting emotionally and spiritually involved with another person. Personally, I feel that this kind of relationship gets very unhealthy if it is one on one and between 2 people of the opposite sex. There is no precedent in the Bible about a one-on-one accountability kind of relationship between a man and woman, unless they were married.

There is nothing wrong fellowshipping with another person of the opposite sex one-to-one, but let the boundaries be known. And make sure they are adhered to. The emotional attachments formed can lead to a really bad scar on your emotions if such a friendship ends or goes through bad times. Remember the paper which Ber tore up each time Alvin insulted him? It’s a lot like that.

I was in such a situation 3 years ago. I let my guard down. And at the end of it all, it hurt. Guys, if a girl is nice to you, don’t automatically assume she likes you; we have a tendency to do that. Girls, don’t be too nice to guys and read Proverbs 31.

Don’t let your guard down. And guard the heart of your fellow brother and sister. Keep each other pure for the person that each of you will eventually marry. Don’t bring the emotional and spiritual scars into your marriage.

The rest of my story
Looking back, I thank God that I have been unattached so long. If not, I don’t think I would be able to serve Him that way I am doing now; in VCF, in One Voice, in YM. Either that or I think I would have gone through a few break ups, something which I don’t think I would handle very well.

There was a purpose for me to remain single, and I don’t think I will trade the blessings that I have received so far for any relationship.

So what is in it for me now? Well, after reading those 2 books, one thing I know for sure is that I am not ready, in my heart or mind, for a girlfriend. And God knows it. My Saturdays and Sundays are so badly burned I cannot possibly maintain such a relationship. In fact, I’m still trying to figure out whether God has indeed given me the gift of celibacy. Never ever been able to relate well with the opposite sex; kind of uncomfortable around them; still am.

So don’t worry about me. If it is God’s will, in time, the courage and the opportunity will arise, and mashimaro will find his carrot.

“God, I like her a lot. Is she dropping me hints? Does she like me too? Is she the one?”
“Wait. You will know that one day.”

“Huh? Okaaay… then what should I do now?”
“Just be there for her.”

“Alright, that I can do.”

Grow old with you

I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is back
All I wanna do, is grow old with you

I get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
It could be so nice, growing old with you

I’ll miss you, kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you, feed you
Even let you hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you’ve had too much to drink
Oh I could be the man, who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

© Words and Music by Adam Sandler
OST The Wedding Singer

(Ber will write part 2, where he will share his perspective. Watch for it on his blog. Right Ber?)