verses read: Jeremiah 43
prayer: 10 minutes
All I can say after reading this chapter is that the Israelites really deserve it. They really asked for such a heavy judgement, after seeming to be so repentant just two chapters before, now they have hardened their hearts again.
Some people have washboard abs, I on the other hand have a washing machine for a stomach. My stomach started acting up again, I guess that’s for eating stale food that had been in the fridge for far too long. Not been able to cook in the recent days due to all the activities I’ve been having, and that really isn’t pleasant. hope it won’t be like this once NIE begins.
Bought the collectors DVD edition of Chronicles of Narnia. Figured that there won’t be an extended version due to the fact that most of the book was already covered in the movie. Wonder if there is an “easter egg” though. Bought the whole series of novels last year, but only just began reading them a few weeks ago, am at book 5 now.
This weekend is giving me a headache. Not because I’ve not figured out what to do, it’s just too many things to do! But for the sake of spreading the Gospel, it is but a small sacrifice.