Tuesday, April 25, 2006


verses read: Jeremiah 51:40-64
prayer: 5 minutes

Finally completed the penultimate chapter of the book. Only one left, and it is the epilogue regarding the fall of Jerusalem, which I’ve read before, but I will read again. Will be reading 1 Timothy next to be inline with the next series of sermons, I need to choose my slot as well.

Submitted my thesis at long last. It’s been a long while, wish I had more to write, probably submitted the shortest thesis in my cohort. And content wise it’s not very fantastic, at least to someone who took all the analysis based modules offered. To those who didn’t the project would be “impressive”.

Now that my thesis is out of the way, I will format my computer and have a fresh start. Really need that! Hopefully it is not going to be too complicated!

Tomorrow is my first and last day of exams for this semester. My only paper, Bahasa Indonesia. Didn’t really prepare for it, I don’t think I will fail, neither do I think I will score, so I will just sit for it. It will be alright! More than that, it might be the very last exam I ever need to take, pretty significant. Hopefully not, because I do want to do my Masters someday. But for now, it will be. Next year onwards, I will be marking and setting exams. How strange.