verses read: Jeremiah 51:24-39
prayer: 5 minutes
This is actually a very scary passage to read. About the destruction of Babylon. While half of it seems to have already passed, there are parts of this passage that seem to have not taken place. And if you look at the fact that the modern name of Babylon is Iraq, it can really be quite scary to read.
Today was a really good day. For the first time in a long time, I woke up after the sun had risen. For the past few months, I would usually wake up at 6am, but then fall back asleep for another two to three hours. Good sleep!
Found out that my software update for the line6 edit was more than just a software update, it updated the firmware of my XTlive as well! So, I have a few more new amps and cabs to play around with, some new stomp boxes and 7 new WAHs. That’s not going to be good since my first and only paper is on Wednesday!
Going to make my final submission to the Mathematics Department tomorrow. Have finally been given the go ahead to do so. It’s been a long journey, and a new stage of life awaits soon! So, Wednesday, exams end for me, Thursday, is nominations day, I think I will take a walk to the nomination centre to watch the drama.