The Riemann Hypothesis. That was the topic of tonight's episode! It was one of the problems that I was very interested in when I was taking complex analysis II. And maybe I will ask Dr Chan for permission to sit in the "Introduction to Analytic Number Theory" class next semester just to see what it's all about! (I've completed my math modules already, so no need to do anymore, just take for fun.)
Anyway... here is the look of stress...

exams... but Ber looks quite cool about it...not bad for 2 papers already ... poor guy didn't even go home this weekend... came from NTU in the morning and went back to NTU immediately after church... not even a pit-stop at home!

exams... look at KW man... looks like he's going into shock or something!

er.... this one is a hopeless case... exams haven't started... but already showing signs of post traumatic stress syndrome....
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