The science of music, it was one of the best modules I've taken in my 3.5 years here in NUS. And I'm done with it! (ie no exam for this module, so no stress for this one during the study break) Enjoyable module, attended every single lecture; though most of the time I wasn't paying attention...
Will recommend this module to anyone in NUS, just conserve a lot of bid points and show hand! Had a lot of fun, I indeed composed a song in 7/8 time. Although I have to admit that I drew inspiration from a variety of places.
Well, exam study break next week, got 3 examinable modules, but will only study two. The remaining one is S/U, and I am pretty sure that I've already passed (in fact, I think I've done well enough to get an A... but nevermind).
Anyway, I saw the following in science, found it very cute. It was outside the Science Club secretariat, and it was on a poster parodying (i think) some movies.

As you can tell, the resolution of the pictures taken on my handphone have improved significantly, reason my handphone is now a new 6230i! :)