And here is a picture of Sophie and me next to the 2 chocolate fountains. It's those 2 brown colour structures on the left of the picture. The brown stuff is a continuous flow of melted chocolate; looks very much like the chocolate river in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". (Just some trivia, that chocolate river set in the movie was actually real, right down to the candy plants and cornetto trees!)

The scene of the crime...

dinner ended over 4 hours ago and I am still full... gosh.. not eaten so much in a long time! Anyway, I need to sleep, although tomorrow is a free day, still need to get that Topology assignment done, as well as the proof of the Heine-Borel Theorem! Going to count sheep or someting... then again.. the number of sheep in this earth is finite... maybe better to count natural numbers... at least that set is unbounded.