Anyway, on night one, Daryl, AmBer, Ralph, Ryan and myself tried to set a record of sorts. I conjectured that it might have been possible to assemble a 500 piece jig-saw puzzle in 30 minutes. Wanted to try that out with the TOFU team as a possible game to play at TOFU, bad idea... ended up taking 2 hours! But it was good sense of accomplishment... I mean, who ever completes a 500 piece jig-saw puzzle in 2 hours?! Here is a picture of the "masterpiece".

And here are some pictures of the retreat and BBQ... try spot yourself!

Ber won the game of Risk we had just now... he had a commando army, always rolling a 6 when he is defending... sneaky one...
Anyway, found out that Sophie and Ber would be both going on exchange at the same time TO THE SAME UNIVERSITY!!! WOW! God is amazing! That really is something which I did not expect, but it is a blessing and a favour from God. I think that revelation tonight really set a lot of hearts at ease. Amazing!
Well, a new week is upon us. It's going to be another crunch week for me, a test on Wednesday, Science of Music and on Thursday, the Honours Introductory Talk. Was typing down some of my notes for the talk this afternoon, I wonder if I am trying to cover too much in too short a time. Well, have to include something substantial or it won't really be interesting. Anyway, like to quote U-liang:
If anything, I really wish sometimes that life is like geometry. Nice and straight, curving at right places and heading of to infinity. What’s more, geometry is beautiful.
Nice quote! But I doubt many would understand and appreciate it...